Part 2: Steemit Blogging & Funding


It's Thursday and it's getting colder again.

Ecover Sharpness

So as you could see in my post yesterday, the scaling down of the ecovers did not go very well, and I thought it had something to do with the pixel height to width ratio, it did not.

For some reason that is beyond me it had to do with the fileformat, specifically .jpg, so I changed it to .png instead and now it all looks very sharp.



Looks so much better.


I have also written the first outline of Blogging With Steemit, and completed the first 2 chapters, just 5 chapters more to go.

After that it's on to writing the outline of Fund Your Steem Adventure and then write all of it's 6 chapters.

So yeah, I know what I'll be doing tomorrow.

That's it for today.

Thank you for reading, follow and like if you do, and have a nice day.

Erik Gustafsson

All original graphics and content by Erik Gustafsson. All rights reserved.

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