How the new steemit post PROMOTE feature works


Everyone has probably noticed the latest update and has probably even read a few posts on the do's and dont's of the new PROMOTE feature. It's the little button in the bottom right hand corner of all your posts. I think this new feature is great! It gives content developers the opportunity to make the content they worked hard on more visible. Sure as the feature becomes more widely used, it will be "just another list" as some people argued, however for those who really feel their content is valuable - they can spend their SBD to make sure their content is seen.

How does it work though?

I am definitely an expert, but I have been playing around with the feature on some of my new content to test it out.

I have taken some of my posts and found the following:

SBD spent promotes your post - simple as that. The nuance here is that everyone who uses this feature also has their post promoted, so on the main page, where all content is listed, it's as if you made a new post - your content will still just as quickly disappear as more posts are made and people promote their own post.

The benefit will be better noticed in the categories that you tag your post with. Ex. My post below has a "bitcoin" tag, so in the bitcoin section, my PROMOTE has more pull since their are less posts about "bitcoin" and because it's specifically categorized. This means more visibility to people who enjoy reading content about a specific category.

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