Images on steemit, how valuable are they?

A little while back I was informed that images are not encoded in the blockchain.
First I felt rather dumb, then ill informed, then just blase.

I suspect we all know the value of images. They grab attention, set the scene and tone while cuing the viewer in on the nature of the content. In fact, we cannot view a glimpse of an image without our brain "interpreting" it, it is an instant function.

In fact, posting without an image icon to accompany my post renders said post rather unexciting when seen in the list of current content - and yet, those very icon images are not being encoded in the bit chain!

What if the data size of images was capped, such they could reasonably be encoded in the blockchain?
Because it really takes the wind out of all of the photography posts, let alone image usage in general.

Best to you all.

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