Steemit Posts are Being Flagged and Censored! Florida Shooting Hoax Coverup!

^^Click to see my Video on this^^

Regardless of what you think of the Parkland Shooting Hoax, can we all agree that Freedom of Speech is our most important right? The fact that hundreds (if not thousands) of Youtube Channels are being terminated for revealing all the bullshit in this latest "shooting" should be enough to raise the alarm bells... but now Steemit is also being censored. I learned about this today when I clicked on one of my own tweets:

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Click on the link and try it yourself - this is what you'll see:

![Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 6.11.12 PM.png]

So what exactly is going on? Well, it turns out that SHILLS are quite active on the steemit platform. Actively flagging anything that their "employers" deem too... revealing.
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My post being downvoted by @sneak
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This particular shill is starting to get noticed here on Steemit. His name is Jeff Paul and his steemit account is @sneak
Fitting name for a douchebag shill who spends most of his time DOWNVOTING content he doesn't like (all in a days work I guess).... I mean how many of us here actually go around flagging and downvoting stuff we don't like or agree with?

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Indeed others have also been subject to @sneak's slimy downvoting. As evidenced by Steemit user @clarityofsignal
who has been actively involved in presenting important information on Child Actors being used for Parkland Hoax.
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If you take a look at his history on steem you'll see a pretty disturbing patterning of this:
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Lucky for us we can see this history and identify the culprit. Here's his twitter (as if the above wasn't obvious enough):
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Pretty damn SHILLY!

A good question to ask is why would a guy living in Germany be so active in trying to flag conspiracy theories on an American "shooting".
What's interesting to note is that it appears that he is clearly in favour of the 2nd Amendment as evidenced in his tweets:
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This is not really uncommon as they carefully place people in strategic positions to control both sides (you know - you're fake left-right paradigm) of the narrative.


Perhaps this turd will show up and try to defend his hardcore Shilling? Perhaps he can provide conclusive proof that an actual shooting really went down... instead of actively trying to suppress any evidence that exposes it for being and absolute hoax!

Thanks for taking the time to read and watch the video. Please resteem and share this if you can!

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