What I Learned from Auto Votes Not Working

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It’s no secret that automated votes are a huge part of this system and how authors are rewarded for their content. You don’t have to be a genius to figure out who votes, for example me, automatically.

People use different voting services, which don’t always work like they should. Sometimes there is a glitch in the system and the vote misses it’s target. That has been happening quite a lot in the past couple of weeks, I suspect it’s something to do with the hardfork.

Of course I have gotten used to a certain minimum number under my post, and feel disappointed when it’s less than that. This is after all my livelihood. But I was always prepared for things like this, because I know you shouldn’t take anything for granted. There is no contract, no guarantee that you will get rewards, any rewards, let alone whale votes. They can come, they can go. It’s the name of the game.

You just need to keep on doing what you do, and do it even better, if you are serious about it.

I keep a same pace of 2-3 posts a day, no matter the rewards. Of course, if this would no longer pay my bills, then I would have to get a real job and reduce the rate I’m posting.

Getting to the actual point of my post, I noticed I have a fair bit of manual support. A few times where a post missed all automated votes, the rewards were still higher that what I would have gotten with the normal autovotes. It has been really heartwarming to notice that I have actual followers who see me, not just the blind upvotes.

I have said this before, but how I determine if my post is interesting, is not just by the dollar number, but by the comments. If someone gets a lot of big automated votes, most of those voters might not even see the post, so the big number doesn’t actually mean that there is something valuable in the post.

The fact that a post doesn’t have much rewards, isn’t such a big deal, if there is an active comment section regardless. That is what for me, shows that there is value in what I do, and I am more encouraged to keep doing this.

I won’t know if the votes work today or not, and I won’t know if this will get many comments, but that’s the part of the fun! I wrote about a subject I wanted to, and that is what matters the most.

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