Posting On Steemit.

101: Commentary.
There are many ways to do so.
this is what I do.
I've found that it works for me..
Your milage may vary..
It depends on the taste of your followers.
you need a thumbnail that has something to do with the subject you are posting about
in this post I picked a meme of a quote of Rudyard Kipling.
I find it to be very appropriate
IF you were commenting on an article found on the internet
such as an article from the American Thinker
then an image appropriate to the subject matter of the article would work
in this case.
President Trump

as I've done above...include a link. In this case it would be. Confronting Leftist Lies
But WAIT..there's MORE
Formatting is a thing.

see what I did there?
I posted the first part of the title of the article as the title of the post.
then formatted the the image to center.
then below it I used the second part of the title to the post as a link....below the image
then I run a line of periods below it
this is what you get

much cleaner and more professional don't you think?

then copy/paste a little bit from the article

the attribution is the link on the first line. That's all that's needed. The asterisk (add the space after it) indicates that " the following is a quote".

THEN if you so desire....add a separator (more dot. dot. dots...or something else) and proceed to comment on the article.

Depending on my mood I'll include a LOT of commentary, very little or no quotes...or
just a quote and that's it.

Determine what your readers want...and do it.

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