Keep It Simple Stupid

Keep It Simple Stupid.

In an earlier post, A Modest Proposal, I made a few suggestions.

I suggested that Vote Power be directly proportional to Reputation. ( Earlier I had suggested that, in order to discourage Bots, that voting should require CAPTCHA)

I further agreed with earlier suggestions regarding Long Tails also mention by @dragosrousa in his post, Hosting Fee

A few thoughts before I go on.

  • If you have more than one problem sometimes you can use a form of managerial judo thus causing the problems to solve each other.

  • If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

  • Keep It Simple Stupid,don’t add unnecessary complexity. Don't Rube Goldberg it

Keep those in mind.

In the Steem White Paper, under Subjective Contributions payouts are discussed. (it’s very confusing) My take on which is that (somehow) the value of a post is computed then at the end of the first twenty-four hours (although the time frame istself is a variable i understand) there is a payout.

How simple is that?

It’s not.

It get’s worse as it goes on.

It shouldn’t have gone on. KISS. It should have stopped there, with one minor change.

Continue to do so indefinitely

In other words... Every day every Post should compete with every OTHER post on the BlockChain for your vote. Just like every book in any Library, any BookStore, any NewsStand or on Amazon, competes with every other book on the market. It’s an attention economy. At the end of the day, the results would be folded, spindled and mutilated (just like they are now) and a pay out is issued (just like they are now) the only change is it NEVER STOPS.

Why complexify? (totally a word)

In My Not So Humble Opinion that would have a number of positive results.

KISS being one.

What’s so hard to understand? It wouldn’t be. Everyone who selects anything, such as what pair of underwear to wear that day (or not) understands it. We’re inoculated with the concept from birth. Write a post..get paid (or not) ...if someone votes for it.(or not), each and every day from now on.(on the internet and most especially on the BlockChain NOTHING ever goes OUT of 'print'.) What’s so hard about that?

Other effects, such as reduction in gaming the system, decreasing the value of bots, etc, etc, etc. are left to the discerning reader to discuss.

Carry on.

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