FaceBook Friends Keep Going Down, Steemit Followers Keep Going Up

Hello Steemians,

This is going to be a fluff piece but it seems to work for others so I though, "Why not?"

I'll tell you, the happiest day of my FaceBook timeline was the day I discovered the "unfollow" button. I would have quit several times by now, overseas friends or no, if I hadn't discovered the ability to mute my less-thoughtful friends. Even so, I've developed a healthy habit of judiciously pruning my friends list now and then, to the point where my feed is pretty much completely full of people I've subscribed to and void of any actual friends. Of course, now my more 'woke' IRL friends complain about FaceBook or say they never check theirs, to which I reply, "I dunno man, I like logging on to get updates from people like @aydensrecovery, @benjaminfulford, and @marketreport." (see what I did there?)

So anyway, my followers on Steemit recently exceeded the number of friends I have on FaceBook, and I wondered if this were a microcosm of the larger migration away from big data/ARPA/Skull & Bones/Agenda 21/Harvard/Stanford over to the blockchain space. Now, I'm not saying Steemit has no nefarious ties, let alone no problems, but am feeling more and more like I'm participating in a win-win scenario.

Now, my Steemit feed is still a worse source of information than my FaceBook feed, but at the end of the day the one thing I LOVE LOVE LOVE about Steemit is the lack of SJWs. Maybe it's just growing up on the West Coast...

Well, that's about it. I just wanted to quickly jot down my thoughts. If anyone has any good Steemit sources to populate my feed with, please leave them in the comments below. Thanks for reading!

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(to the moon!)


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