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Hello dear steemians, I welcome you to my blog today. I hope you’re doing great!

I want to talk about a topic that is very important to the steemit community, and many new users have not yet understood the concept. Let me ask you a simple question. Let’s say you went to a food market in your city to do some purchasing. You came to a particular item that had two different brands. One is of high quality, higher in price though not plenty, but the other type is cheaper in price, lower in quality but much in quantity. Which one will you rather buy?

I know quite a handful of people will go for the latter because they want to economize but the satisfaction you’ll get cannot be compared to the article with higher quality.

In same way, steemit emphasizes quality over quantity. The reason is because people want to have value for the sbd they want to upvote your blog with. They want to gain something in exchange for their transaction with you.
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I have gone through a lot of steemians blogs, especially newbies and what they have is quantity at the expense of quality. They make up to 5 blog posts in a day without any meaningful information therein, neither do they contribute to the steemit body of knowledge. And no wonder you’ll see such posts with little reward. The truth is for you to meaningfully engage with other steemians, your blogs must be of quality. It’s better you make 1-2 posts that of high quality than 5 posts without meaning. And what I mean by quality here is the kind of information you put in your blog. Does it answer questions in people’s minds? Does it solve a problem for someone? Does it provide new information others haven’t had access to? These and more are what describes a quality post.

So I want you to evaluate your blogs and see the category you fall into. And if peradventure you fall into the category with much quantity but devoid of quality, you have to readjust your style. It’s better you make 1 quality post than 5 posts without quality. This is very important because a whole lot of people seek for information on steemit to improve their knowledge on particular subjects.
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I hope you’ve learnt something from this posts that will help your steemit journey. Thank you for stopping by.


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