Whether it be the manipulated fraudulent financial markets, Gov't corruption, geopolitical events, military tensions throughout the world, People in my personal life seem to be completely oblivious. Almost in denial that all of this seems to be at a tipping point. I spend a shitload of my time researching and looking for answers to get an edge and prepare accordingly. I just cant seem to wrap my mind around the fact that nobody around me is doing the same.
Why must i be the one that feels crazy at times, like somehow I'm the outlier? I know there are plenty of individuals that are taking action in light of all this information. For example crypto currencies, they came into being for a reason, right? Anybody that knows anything realizes, this is the future. The debt will eventually blow up and the dollar will die. I have went as far as to show friends charts and explain how all this may ultimately unwind and that they should think about diversifying out of the dollar. Glazed eyes and ridiculous looks are all I receive in return (like dude, your just a 29 yr old army vet who lives in Indiana, you don't know shit, stick to your day job). So I guess what I'm asking is with all this in mind, does anyone else feel like I do? Helpless to help anyone and has had to almost isolate themselves from people just because of the knowledge they've obtained over these last few years?

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