Steemit Payouts

The experiment by @abit and Co. has aroused my curiosity around the daily payouts. How much is paid out each day and how is it distributed?

Thanks to @furion and SteemData we have access to lots of data from the Steem Blockchain in a digestible format

Daily Fund

Steem rewards Authors and Curators with a share of the new STEEM that is created each day. (Currently STEEM is created at a rate of 9.5% a year)

  • Each day about 60k STEEM is created and about 34k of this goes to Authors.
  • About 16k to Curators and the rest to miners, witnesses and SP holders.

Post rewards are shown as Steem Dollars so if the value of STEEM is up against the dollar then the value of the rewards that are paid in the day will be higher as each STEEM will be worth more.

What do the daily payouts in March Look Like?

###Distribution of Payouts in March by Rep
First Lets look at the distribution of Payouts in March for each day, coloured with the Rep of the authors.

Using a log Scale

From the picture if the rep is above 67 they generally get high stable payouts. The rest of the graph is dominated by the 56 to 67 bracket with a noticeable change in the last few days (during the experiment).

Price of STEEM vs Daily Payouts

One of the key factors affecting the daily payouts will be the price of STEEM.

As you can see if the price of STEEM goes down, the daily payouts will be less.
(The payouts shown only account for author rewards and the last few days may not be fully paid out)

Distribution of Payouts Per day

We should be able to see the impact of @abit s experiment in the following graph. We would expect to see spreading out of rewards among contributors or the average author percentiles payout changing.

Unfortunately as this experiment coincides with the fall in the price it will be hard to pick out trends


I was surprised when I did the calc how little the daily rewards in total actually are at the moment and it highlights for me the fact that its very unfair when a post get a sizeable chunk of the reward fund having contributed little. This analysis does not look at the effect on curation rewards so part of the drop in payouts will be due to an increase in the curation rewards and partly due to the STEEM price.

Thank you for reading this. I write on Steemit about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Travel and lots of random topics.
All Images are from my personal library.

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