TRUMP VS AFRICA - Sign A Letter By Avaaz

After Calling African countries a "shithole" and asking why he would want anyone from there to come to the US, Trump has shown again that he thrives off spreading dangerous racism. Add your voice to the open letter below to join the resistance — then spread it far and wide:
36,219 are United against Division. Let's get to 50,000.

Dear Mr. Trump,
As citizens of Africa, we stand against your racism.
We reject your ignorance, your divisiveness, and your disrespect for the people of our continent. We are doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers, artists, and much more. We’re proud of who we are and the beautiful parts of the world that we come from.
We stand against your desire to divide the world into those who look like you and those who don't. We remind you that your nation was built by people from all over the world who made America the place it is today.
We stand against your attempt to turn us against each other. We reject your anger. We stand up for humanity, for hope, and for kindness to all.
As citizens of Africa, we stand united. We stand proud.
People all trump.jpgover the Continent are Signing a Letter to Donald Trump

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