FREE earnings calculator to determine how much you will get actually get paid on Steemit and when


This is a free online calculator that shows you how much you will actually get paid on Steemit and when you will receive your payment. This is really handy as you can't really see just from clicking on your wallet why you’re earning what you’re earning. This tool shows how your earnings are broken down based on other people's participation related to a specific earning amount i.e. how much is being earned by a post and how the rewards are broken down by people who reposted, commented, voted, etc.

I'm new and a fellow Steemit user, recommended the tool to me. It was created by @dragosroua. I highly recommend it !!!!!!

To access the tool type in on your browser:

( So you just type and then replace @username with your individual Steemit name and don't forget the forward slash symbol)

One of the big things, I also learned, NEVER VOTE MORE THAN 1O TIMES A DAY!!!!!! or you can actually decrease your earnings you start with!!!!!

Here's a link to a Steemit article, I found by @dragosroua the tool creator. The article explains all about the tool. I voted for @dragosroua post at this link (and you can also vote on too for @dragosroua ), Hopefully, I am reposting this information correctly to give him proper credit, because this tool is great.

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