Emeraldflame #2: The Big Trap: What I learned in the first few days of joining Steemit and how to avoid falling into it!


Hey Fellow Steemians,

So it has been a few days since my very first intro post, you can check it out here

I was really blown away by the support of the Steemit community and event Steemit in general wow what a platform with so much potential, I am really excited to be here and be amongst those of us who are changing the way we interact and communicate online.

What I feel is that Steemit is an opportunity for us to share, express and communicate in a more free, open and expansive way and one of the many reasons that I am moving more away from the centralised social media networks such as facebook is that this space allows for true expression and also the sharing of real valuable content for FREE yes FREE!

I don't know about you but I think we are all over the sales videos, the click funnels and the articles which sell you into a 10 step process, then they tell you step #1 and then they say "click here" for more and then you are led to a page to buy their 10 week course!!! I get it- all good and actually there was a time that I felt this was working for me too, but not anymore.

What it has created is an environment where users have become more focused on creating content (for the sake of it) vs authentically expressing/ sharing. The focus right now on these platforms is "how can I create more content that sells vs what can I share that I am learning, or what can I share that is valuable that can support others."

We loose sight of what is real
We loose sight of what is most powerful
REAL people living real lives, sharing authentically (without filter)

Now I briefly spoke about expression in my intro post a few days ago. I spoke about bursting the “purpose” bubble and looking deeper within ourselves and asking the following questions;

“What if I was abundantly supported for being me- what would I be doing? "
"How would I be spending my time?"
"What would you give the world without expectation?"
"What is your gift to the world?" (The one thing that lights you up, that allows you to embody more of who you are. The thing that allows you to feel more joy, peace, love abundance in your life everything)

So what is really awesome about Steemit is for the first time ever, we have a platform that rewards us abundantly for our own expression. What I am excited the most about is that it is giving us all an opportunity to share content from a very different space and we as a community have the opportunity to share wisdom, knowledge and learnings with one another that have never before been shared. We have the opportunity to make this platform the most transparent, authentic and powerful platform for human interaction, learning and growth.

This is huge!!

However… I noticed myself over the past few days after posting my first post, that I was falling back into content creation trap. I found myself in a head spin;

"What will I write about?"
"What will people want to read?"
"What will people up vote??"
and what happened?? Writer’s block of course.
Busted! There is was.. The BIG Trap!

So I thought to myself "Isn't Steemit is different??”
The reason I joined Steemit is because it is meant to be about me expressing what I feel in the moment and how I live and what Im learning. It is about sharing what is hot on my heart, and what is real versus what I think people will like.
It about sharing something different. It is about giving without expectation.

So here is my approach:

Share what is real
Give without expectation

Otherwise what is the point? We might as well be on Facebook which is what we are moving away from.

So one of the first things to do is to sit and ask yourself the following questions:

What I am learning right now that is valuable?
Would it support other Steemians?
Would this be fun to share?
Can I give this with no expectation?

If the answer is YES to all, then this could be the content you could be sharing.

This is the type of content we need from all of you. If we all choose to create from this space we will support Steemit to become the most kick ass un-centralised social platform that ever existed????? Are you in??**
If yes then keep reading..

5 ways you can create more authentic content that is magnetic:

1) Express yourself authentically vs become a content machine

Express yourself authentically, your thoughts, what you feel, what you learning or witnessing in your life or in the world (No filters) Write valuable content and insights from direct experience, learnings vs writing something for the sake of writing or regurgitating generalised content.

2) Do it because it lights you up (not because you want to be liked, appreciated or up voted

There is a very different energy to a post that is written from a place to be liked, to make money vs a post that is written from a place of authenticity and be unapologetically you with no attachment to any result

3) Be in integrity and alignment

The more I post with you the more I will speak about energy and the energetics behind everything we do. We have to give it as much attention now as we do with the physical world. The intention we put behind everything, including our thoughts, our words, our writings is vital. People are too awake now and conscious, if the blog doesn't come from a place of alignment with your values or alignment with your integrity people will feel it. If your intention is to give, people will feel that. If your intention is to profit, people will feel that. So ask yourself, what is the intention behind your post today?

“Give without expectation”

4) Be Transparent

The veil is lifting, and as I mentioned above people are becoming more aware. Be honest and transparent with your readers, let the barriers down, be vulnerable and show them the real you it will create more trust and also shows you are a real human with ups and downs too.

5) Be inspired: Share when content that hot on your heart
When there is energy behind what you write it is magnetic. When you feel the need to write or post a blog, do it! Don’t second guess yourself. Get it out there and quick. I personally find the videos , posts that I share when I am in the energy of inspiration reaches far more people and creates the greatest impact!

So let's do it, lets use this platform for what it was made for, lets create more impact, lets express and share more real and authentic content, let us allow for more variety, more creativity and allow yourself to experience what it feels like to be rewarded for being you!

Of course not everyone will resonate with everything you share but that is ok- the world needs your voice, it needs your expression, your colour, your voice and that is what I am most excited about with this platform.

Over the next few weeks, I intend to share more and more with you.

If this resonates comment below and if this has supported you to crack open and bring through some amazing content I would love to hear from you, post link to your blog post in comments below and let's start sharing some really cool Sh**t!!

Big Hugs,

(aka Emeraldflame)

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