Before you get too involved...

Would you lease an apartment without asking the landlord questions about the rent, utilities included, if there's a level of security and stuffs like that?
Would you buy a new phone without asking the salesperson what features it has and if u'll get a guarantee?
I really don't think so, OF COURSE
you WOULDN'T!.. Because you don't want to make a mistake or have regrets later on, ryt?..
Then I wonder why we ( both d Men and Ladies) get so involved in someone without asking enough questions so you could be sure you won't end up with a wrong person ( I know for sure ,questions aren't enough but at least it reduces d risk involved).

And here I am with a friend who says asking questions on the first few dates would appear to be "prying " and according to her -"you wouldn't want to scare a man off".
To me, that is so not true. In fact, I feel d opposite is the truth. The 1st few dates are just when u should ask all d questions u need so it could help u decide whether or not to get more involved. What's d point of waiting until you're already in love to find out d truth about d person.
I am sure, some would say - its not romantic ,it ruins the spontaneity and all but ,so does finding after few months that he's still seeing his ex or believes in open relationships or have slept with half of the choristers in church, Lol..just joking about that. Couple-parting.png

But really that doesn't mean he/she is a bad person it just means you didn't do your own part well by not asking questions before you got too involved.
And I know most people hide behind several reasons for not asking questions but d real truth here is- WE DONT WANNA KNOW D ANSWERS!!.

When it comes to love and even life in general, ignorance is not bliss. [From the book - The real rules by Barbara De Angelis].

My take on this is,.. What u don't know, can hurt you.


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