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So what really happened?

I signed up to Steem very recently. I made a few test posts of naked/topless girls. Did I shoot the content? No. Am I the girl(s) in the content? No. Nor did I pretend that it was my content. The pictures I posted were not copyrighted works, they were not taken as part of some sort of production. They were just random pictures of random girls that decided to post pictures of themselves topless online. I went to a few different websites, picked out the 'best' pictures of the day from them, and posted them. I was interested to see what would happen, and, since I have exquisite taste, I was getting a pretty decent response in my postings.

Then an ugly camwhore comes along and comments on my post. I'm not hostile towards her, infact, I explain myself and go on about my business:

I had no idea SteemIt, by being decentralized, actually ends up being more 'centralized' because there are accounts that control upvoting and downvoting for other people, like steemcleaners and minnowsupport.

The camwhore reported my post to steemcleaners, and then steemcleaners comes along and downvotes my post, and references some retarded tumblr blog as the 'source' for the pictures I was using. Tumblr does not produce porn, nor does it produce pictures of topless girls. Tumblr is a place where people repost pictures, and it's not where I even found the pictures from. So it seemed like complete bullshit to me that some pajeet bot steemcleaners came along and not only downvoted me, but gave me some run around about posting "sources" when the sources they post are totally fake themselves. Complete and utter hypocrites.

aggroed, minnowsupport, or whatever ridiculous system it was comes along afterwards, and demands I remove my downvotes, or he'll unleash some retarded gang downvoting system he has in place. Once again, total abuse of power. Just using other people's accounts that have signed up to his system, to downvote something he has no part in, because I didn't adhere to his warning.

One person apologized at least:

Another was upset that he was automatically included in the downvoting. Can't find his comment (it was probably downvoted by the gang)

Anyway, I've switched my interest from test posting, to testing out retribution towards these assholes. I've only just begun, and I'm only doing this by myself so far. I won't be alone in this for long ;)

Now you have a better understanding of what actually happened. The camwhore and the lonely internet dudes following her, exaggerate my position in what happened, and make themselves sound like innocent victims so that you keep upvoting them. I don't expect this post to get upvoted, quite the opposite, but I'm simply explaining my side of what happened. Be prepared for retribution!


By the way, I have invested a lot of money in steem. Most of these shitposting "bloggers" think it doesn't matter. They think money is magic, such as the money they receive on steem. They don't know a thing about steem power, voting power, etc. They think posting shitty blogs, getting upvoted, getting rep'd, getting a few breadcrumbs worth of steem dollars is all their is to it. Internet magic! Kinda like me! EL MAGO. Steem Power obviously plays a big role in Steem as well, but they choose to ignore that.

I think Steem/Steem Power is a great investment, but I also think some things need to change around here. I'm considering bringing my own following to steemit soon.

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