I'm not a Christian but i think it is possible Jesus turned water into wine - let me explain how.. (Quantum level thinking)


So when i was growing up one of the things that turned me away from religion is the fantastical stories of walking on water or turning water into wine etc. I just thought it was stupid until recently..

So any one who has gone into the amazing world of quantum mechanics will know that things aren't as they seem on the surface.. If you are new to quantum theory don't worry it is not imperative that you know about it to get the point but if you want to find out more please see my previous posts on quantum theory's 2 slit experiment..

Anyway so Jesus turned water into wine.. Well firstly any physicist will tell you that anything is possible.. If he did turn water into wine i think it would of been possible through the knowledge that we live in a sort of virtual reality constructed by the mind (see earlier posts for more info) Our senses decode vibration creating the very real feeling reality we exist in.. But it is only due to our translation of reality that makes it all seem so real.. take you (the translator of vibration) out of the equation and you are left only with vibration not solid objects but rather a sea of endless possibilities

So if someone knew this without any doubt to its truth, that they were creating the reality they were observing in their decoding of it then for me it is not a massive jump to say that someone could manipulate their version of reality using the power of belief..

So what i'm saying is that Jesus might of had the power to harness his power of belief.. before you go to your kitchen and start trying to turn things into other things i 'believe' that beliefs run much deeper under the surface than we might think and are not as easily changed in relation to preference..

e i a w o - everything is always working out

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