Head shots

Hello Ladies and gentlemen,
Firstly I'd like to thank you all for your patience with my uploads, I've been very excited about working on my post to deliver the best quality content for you guys. So here it is, some of you have been asking me "what do you get up to in your spare time"?
My answer to that is " time is not spare, we just choose to share it in different ways" so my way of sharing my time is spent with making people feel good, working with people who are ready to make that change/ transition or leap in the next step of their journey. In this case I spent some time working with a dear friend of mine on his photo portfolio, we use to work together about 3 years ago and he spoke very little English and was looking for a career in relations to computers. At the time he was working for a fashion retailer, so immediately I suggested we set up a online portfolio highlighting his skills and achievements. Well, let's cut a long story short and say he's now working for the perfect company that will help excel his career in path he feels is suitable for him. So with his permission I have the pleasure in sharing some photographs to show you the results of taking small steps in the right direction.

he had grown a beard for November.
the hair was getting too itchy

so we put him in a shirt, and yet the beard was still itchy.

so he had a shave and slipped back in to his hoody.

I guess this wasn't the most helpful post. Having said that. I have alot of fun working with people I consider friends, work for me is play and play for me. is rewarding. I guess the moral of this post is focused on doing what you love. so get out there and spend time with people who make positive moves, make positive changes, and have lasting impressions. I'd like to take this moment to thank you all for taking time to read this post. please leave any comments or questions, I'd be more then happy to answer them.
also feel free to follow me on instagram www.instagram.com/shawnsagoo

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