Steemit Profit Sharing Initiative... Give a little - Get a little...

In my first post of the year (aka my New Year’s Resolution post), I laid the groundwork for what I’m gonna call my Steemit Profit Sharing Initiative. I’m not too sure how it’ll go overall, or if it will have any success at all, but we’ll give it a shot for a few weeks and determine where to go with it after that…

My hope is that this will be a simple and effective way to not only increase the overall value of my posts, but to increase exposure for my writing so maybe, just maybe, eventually people will become consistent followers of my blog – dare I say, maybe even engaged followers…

I figured it would be best if I set some basic rules, and provide at least one example so there’s no confusion – both for everyone who up-votes my posts and for myself.

Anyone who has ever tried to figure out the Steemit rewards system will already know how difficult it can be to determine the who, what, when, and where of the rewards, so clear and precise guidelines will probably go a long way – and honestly it’s more to eliminate my confusion than yours.

My Offer To All Steemians…

The incentive program is as follows:

---> 50% (half) of all the liquid rewards earned from every post, will be given back to everyone who provided the up-votes – distributed per your contribution.

---> The remaining 50% (half) of the liquid rewards will again be split and used for:

• 25% to power up my account.
• 25% to either lease SP or to add additional votes from various up-vote bots - or both, or neither. (pretty clear huh)

Sounds simple right – I think so too… There are no additional requirements, no hoops to jump through, no hidden provisions, no secret handshake, and no secret sauce - OK maybe there is a little secret sauce, but I promise not to get any on ya – unless of course…

I digress…

There’s only me giving back to the people who give to me - and if this has the desired results, I will continue doing so until my account reaches a total value of 2000 Steem / SP – who knows, possibly even beyond, we’ll see what happens over the next two or three weeks and go from there.

The Rules…

The rules are basically just as simple as the idea itself…

  • give me a vote, I give you back half of the liquid rewards per your contribution.
  • If any bot owners want to throw me a bone without the payment, they will receive their share of the payout. (It would actually be more profitable for them)
  • I will try to do payouts on Sunday every week – maybe twice a week if time permits.


Exceptions are up-votes from bots, and/or any paid up-vote services I use. Obviously bots and up-vote services won’t be included in the incentive payout – As much as I’m sure they would like me to, I won’t be paying the incentive for votes I paid for.

There is one exception to that “rule”, where I will probably give a percentage to the awesome folks over at @qurator / or maybe I’ll “sponsor” someone, or a couple someone’s to join - TBD…


I'll use a post from last week as an example. This one doesn't have any up-votes from bots so half of the liquid sbd rewards are split per their vote contribution to the post.

I had to re-learn how to use Excel for this one - and a Yuge thank you to, without which there's no way I could have done any of this...

Last weeks payouts…

I have an Excel file for each one of these just like the one above.
Wouldn't you like to see your name on there also - I know I would... LOL...

The New Year's resolution, A Fresh perspective, and An offer to all Minnows, Dolphins, and Whales…
Total Post Rewards $29.39
Actual Post Payout 11.873 SBD & 2.277 SP
50% of Liquid Rewards = 5.936 SBD

If You Repeat A Lie Often Enough - It Becomes The Truth... The Trump Method Of Governance…*
Total Post Rewards $22.11
Actual Post Payout 9.061 SBD & 1.613 SP
50% of Liquid Rewards = 4.530 SBD

Manifest Destiny, God Given Rights, and The Trail of Tears…
Total Post Rewards $32.33
Actual Post Payout 13.000 SBD & 2.243 SP
50% of Liquid Rewards = 6.500 SBD

Political Memes...
Total Post Rewards $4.83
Actual Post Payout 2.154 SBD & 0.427 SP
50% of Liquid Rewards = 1.077 SBD

Political Memes II...
Total Post Rewards $3.55
Actual Post Payout 1.638 SBD & 0.324 SP
50% of Liquid Rewards = 0.819 SBD

Shithole Countries beware - Trump Decries We Don't Want Your Immigrants...
Total Post Rewards $10.22
Actual Post Payout 4.331 SBD & 1.043 SP
50% of Liquid Rewards = 2.165 SBD

Donald Trump Is Racist - Big Shocker There...
Total Post Rewards $5.13
Actual Post Payout 2.180 SBD & 0.524 SP
50% of Liquid Rewards = 1.090 SBD

So there it is...

Well folks, there it is, my offer to any and every Steemian... Give a little - get a little...

I hope this is at least somewhat successful in accomplishing my ultimate goal of 2000SP...
Let me know if you can think of any improvements that would be beneficial to the cause...
Thanks for reading and I look forward to your feedback...


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