Be The Change :: Support Each Other to Grow Together

We humans have an exceptional ability for goodness, but also a massive power to do harm. We have potential to build or to destroy through motivation. Thus, it is more significant to stimulate an altruistic motivation rather than a self-obsessed one.

So how can we define altruism? It is the wish that “May all be happy” and find the source of happiness. Now, empathy is the influential or perception resonance that guides you, this person is happy, this person is in very sorrow mood. However, empathy alone is not enough. If you keep on being challenged with suffering, you may have empathic pain. So you need to have the maximum sphere of loving-kindness.

So how can we differentiate empathy to selfishness? Groucho Marx said, "Why should I care about future generations? What have they ever done for me?" The billionaire Steve Forbes, on Fox News, said almost the same thing, but this time little seriously.

But we can improve our altruistic nature in four weeks, 20 minutes a day, of caring. Awareness and mindful meditation could bring a structural transformation in the brain compared to an authority group. So only twenty minutes a day for four weeks is really required according to Mr. Mathieu Richard.


In the coming future, we can able to do more with less, and we continue to prosper qualitatively, but not quantitatively. We need strict economics. The Homo economics cannot able to deal with poverty in the middle of plenty cannot able to deal with the issue of the common goods of the atmosphere. If you say economics should show empathy, they say, "That's not our job." But if you think they don't bother, that looks bad. We need local dedication, global obligation. We need to enhance altruism to the other 1.6 million species.

"Every man must decide whether they will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness". --Martin Luther King -- So, long lives the altruistic revolution”


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