Steemit has given us an opportunity to earn passive income. Many have found this platform very lucrative while others have failed to make $10 in a month. I am by no means successful or am I an expert. The highest I have ever earned in a post is $46(net of curator share.) The reason I'm making this post is to help those struggling to make decent earnings. It's all constructive criticism.

1) You're Looking for Easy Money

You get hyped up by seeing posts with $500 earnings that you think it's that easy. Like all things in life, it takes time to build success. You need hard work and patience. I see people simply posting a picture of a flower with the captions "Upvote and resteem please, I will return the favor."

There are also some people who are trying to game the system. Downloading a beautiful woman's photo from google and pretending that's them for the upvotes. You probably didn't know the "search google for this image" function existed, did you?

It's very easy to check if you're catfishing people.

2) You Don't Interact With Other Users

Don't isolate yourself from the community. Don't get caught up in wanting your own posts to go viral that you develop a selfish attitude. There is a reason rewards are separated into 2 categories namely Author and Curation Rewards. It's so people interact with one another.

And by interacting I don't mean upvoting every post you see. Upvoting posts you actually enjoyed will help great content be seen by more people. Also refrain from useless comments like "Great post", "Keep it up", "Resteemed!, Check out my latest post here as well." Leaving a useful and constructive comment will help others improve on their posts. Not only that, but it also helps you build relationships with others and help you grow an organic following.

3) You Give Up Easily

Some give up after only making a few cents with their first 5 posts. Rome wasn't built in a day, what makes you think success as a writer will? Like the creator of Pokemon Go once said: "It takes 20 years to build an overnight success."

4) You Copy Others

I'm not talking about plagiarism, although some people do just that, thank goodness there's the Cheetah bot. I'm referring to finding your own niche or voice. Don't copy someone else just because you see them being successful. Find your own voice.

5) You Don't Post Regularly

You won't succeed by posting once a month. Some of the established members of Steem do this, but it's only because they have already built a strong following.

That's just my 2 cents. Let me know what you think in the comments.
Remember, there is no such thing as easy money.

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