At The Source of Success - Steemit Gives Us Golden Eggs...

Do one million dollars change your future? Everyone is talking about easy investments, funds and excellent business opportunities, while the value of digital currencies becomes a global trend. Before we invest, we need to understand the logic that helps us make the right choice. There are investments in capital gains and the flow of money, this is a huge difference. If someone invests in hens for slaughter and sale of meat, this means that he expects to earn money from capital gain. When a person hats chickens to sell eggs, he earns money from the flow of money. Real investors invest their money in the money market, which means they invest in selling eggs. If you invest in a particular digital currency, you hope that the value will increase and you will earn a great profit. This can happen as a sign of happiness; this is pure gambling. When I say that it needs to be invested in money-making projects, this means that a Steam Power investment brings us a constant profit between 25% and 40% per year. If the value jumps then our profit grows versus the dollar, we earn from 25 to 50% in Steem. If we buy Steem at a price of $ 1, and then sell it at a price of $ 2, we have earned $ 1 in capital gains. The difference is when we put Steem in the voting power because then we earn profits from the flow of money - our capital gains can grow on the stock market, but we get profits constantly.

People invest in stories coming from sellers' advice. Before you invest your money, you need to look at details such as - who is the person who gives you advice, whether he has the interest to sell you something and how much is the profit from your money, which is the purpose and marketing strategy of that currency etc. You need to invest in a business that brings you eggs, not chickens that go to slaughter. When I invest in a project then I'm thinking about long-term profits, I want to never come into the situation that I need to sell my shares (Steam Power). It is important to evaluate our investments. I now tell you that, it is a better investment in Steem Power than any other digital currency. Steem's value is not just capital gain, it has the fastest blockchain technology in the world and an innovative trend that supports it in the promotion - Steemit. The difference between the rich and the poor is in knowledge and the application of knowledge. If you want to become a millionaire then you have to think like a millionaire. Every project that I am making or invest in, I want to bring me a cash flow, I do not invest in capital gains, sometimes (Bitcoin).

In the stock market, small investors mostly lose money, until big sharks appear that pick up all the money. The only difference is in knowledge, not in the amount of money. People are so lazy that they do not want to think about their investments, they mostly let sellers or bankers give them advice. More people are afraid that they will be left without money when they are retired, than from a dangerous illness. People who give you investment tips benefit from your money, they live from it while you expect your investment to grow. For this reason, I opened a business school - Steem Schools to help users become successful and financially independent. A large number of users want to make big money overnight, only a handful of people learn to change their way of thinking. Success is not a game of luck, it is a process with which you are getting richer and more capable every day.

If the project does not have a mission then it will not last long. When money has a human mission then its value is diamond. That's why I invest in Steem and I support Steemit, because in this way I support many users who have the chance to earn money and change their quality of life. I am very proud of the Steem Schools users who have become successful. Some people become successful, but they forget those little ones without money, but there are those who have given their heart and who never give up their goodness. The thing is in the balance of morality and knowledge, we are successful in the extent to which the number of people respects and loves us. Every day we have hundreds of new users who want to learn everything about Steemit, business and investments. Our job is to teach new users how to achieve results in the fastest way, how to become successful and financially independent. Steem Schools offers the right path that opens the door to success in all dimensions of the business - Welcome

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See you on the top @dobartim
We win together - Steem Schools

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