Photographers - Let's Educate Users About Correct Image Usage

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Image © Diane Macdonald. All Rights Reserved.

Fellow photographers, are you frustrated with the level of image plagiarism and copyright infringement on Steemit? It's a serious problem on here, as I'm sure you will agree. In the end, it is going to affect us all in one way or another. Images are being grabbed from the web with no thoughts to the rights of the photographer who owns the copyright to those images. No amount of linking to a source or image credit pays the photographer's bills. And what's more – usage on Steemit is considered commercial usage, so if a webcrawler from one of the agencies comes across those posts with the stolen work, the authors could be in big trouble legally.

Steemcleaners does a great job of fighting image plagiarism up to a point. Their resources are limited though, and they can only do so much. (Plagiarism is not listing a source.) If you see images being used in this way, you can contact Steemcleaners via their linkdrop over on chat. (@steemcleaners-linkdrop)

It is also considered plagiarism not only to copy an image and use it without giving credit, but it is also considered plagiarism to link to an incorrect source. Steemcleaners are not about policing the content of others, so they have to take it at the author's word that the source is correct! This may lead to serious problems down the road for the author, Steemit, and all Steemit users. Let's educate users and let them know that Google, Pinterest, Flickr, Wikepedia, bloggers, other websites etc. are not sources. They are USERS of the images. Even an agency is not the source. The photographer is the source.

Although plagiarism is not a legal issue, copyright violation is. Citing a source of an image may avoid the plagiarism issue, but it will not avoid the copyright violation issue. No amount of attribution or links to a source will get a copyright violator off the hook!

So what's copyright violation then? In a nutshell, copyright violation involves using an image which is protected by copyright law without the permission of the artist or photographer, or making a derivative of that image. Under copyright law, only the original artist/photographer has the right to make changes to a work and use it. Avoiding copyright violation has nothing to do with giving a credit line or source link!

Many are blindly doing what others do – and that is using images off the web to include in their blogs. It doesn't matter if they give attribution or not, but if they are using a stock photo (not a free one from Pixabay etc.) they are guilty of copyright violation! Even using a stock image with a paid license may involve copyright infringement, because usage on Steemit is consideredcommercial usage!

Don't take my word for it, though. I am not an attorney. Attorney Sarah F Hawkins explains the differences between plagiarism and copyright violation on her website.

So what can we as photographers do? We can keep learning about copyright issues and keep sharing what we learn! Education is going to be key here. We need to get the word out, as more and more people are joining Steemit each day, and most have no idea about image rights! They just do what everyone else seems to be doing!

If Steemit is to be a respected site for bloggers, then it has to be also respected as a site that values the work of ALL content providers – not just writers, but also photographers and other artists!

Would you consider joining me in helping to educate Steemit users – especially those who are not intentionally breaking the law? Those who are doing it intentionally know what they are doing, and don't want to hear what we have to say, anyway.

You may be interested in an organization I belong to: The Copyright Alliance. It's an organization that fights for the rights of ALL content providers, (including the very authors who are misusing our photography!) There is no cost to you to join, and you will be sure to feel supported. There is strength in numbers!

In case you have missed them, here are some past posts I have written about copyright infringement.

Making A First Impression )n Your Blog with Photography – Do It The Right Way

How To Avoid Copyright Violation And Image Plagiarism – How To Effectively Use Google Images

Hey Steemit – Royalty Free Images Are Not Free Images

Stock Photography – Do I Have The Right To Use It?

Copyright – What does It Have To Do With You?

Free Photography On The Web – Where To Find It

Steemit – My Key To Long-Term Success – 3 Must-Know Tips From A Newbie

Is The Bible Copyright? - Some Versions Are, But Some Are Not

Copyright Violation – Why It Is Morally Wrong

Thanks for taking the time to read this! I appreciate it.
Resteems and Upvotes are very much appreciated, and they are helping me to save for a trip to Tahiti, which my husband and I hope to make for our 25th wedding anniversary in 2019!

To find my photography and designs on Steemit, please search on #dianemacphoto and to check out my art prints and stock images, please visit my website.

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