Do you think you are going no where in life, or that you are being limited and your mates are ahead of you? Then pause for a while, take a deep breath and read this article. You'll find yourself I promise.


Deep Dive through History

Have you ever thought about this?

  • New york is 3 hours ahead of California, but that has never made California slow at all
  • President Obama, the first black president of USA retired at the age of 55, while president Donald Trump starts at the age of 70.
  • some people were so sure of what they want to become at the age of 16, but changed their mind at the age of 30
  • someone is happily married somewhere but without a child, but someone else is single but happily has a child.
  • Most of the richest men in the world today were school drop out, but someone with the best of certificates struggles to survive
  • Abraham, the story all Christians know but he lived without a child till his old age

Do you think you are going through difficult times? Let me tell you a little story about Silver.

A woman after studying her bible, to be precise this place "Malachi 3:3 And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness." Then she decides to visit the silver smith, on getting there she discovered something, that the man was carefully looking at the silver which is being refined in a furnace of fire carefully and didn't turn away for a second to the left or to the right. Out of curiosity, she asked the man how he would know that the silver is read. The man smiled and then said "when i see my image clearly in the silver then i will know that its ready". What do we learn from this story? We learn that most precious substances sometimes do pass through fire (hard refining time) so that their beauty can be seen. Hold on, explore the world. You'll find yourself.


The American English Dictionary defines self-discovery as follows: “a becoming aware of one’s true potential, character, motives". Its our ability that determines who we are and our being able to discover them determines how far we will go in life.
The journey to self discovery is just like a ship travelling through a stormy sea, some times we might feel weak, self pity, depression and the storms of life might want to pull us down, but just like the ship we should persist and move on, we are the captain of our lives and we have total control over it, how and where we sail determines what we will achieve. Some times we have to lessen the loads in our lives in other to move faster, our friends determines who we are, sometimes we let go of things which seem precious to us so we can aim higher, its our abilities not our inability that most threatens us, the fear of becoming who we are. A popular saying says " if you are the best in a room then you are in the wrong room". Some times we have to move out so we can explore our world and discover ourself. Self discovery i tell you is the greatest discovery of all time.
Explore the world, you'll find yourself i promise.

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