Clif High's predictions for STEEM in bare naked Wealth report – we have a challenge here guys

This comes from one of the latest bare naked Wealth reports of Clif High. I searched Steemit a bit and have not found anyone posting about this detail so far. If you've seen a similar posting, please let everyone know by posting the link in the comments.

Picture from @ats-david from this post

Background, Introduction

Many of you heard about Clif High and his incredible predictions that he yields from a very sophisticated analysis software as basis for his interpretations.
If you’re open-minded Clif’s reports are highly recommended (yes you really need to be quite open-minded. Don’t blame me if you spent money and then you think this is some piece of crap. The few reports I have seen so far have a few incredible predictions. Some really far fetched predictions became true to the date correct, even predicted 3 weeks ahead. It’s mind blowing sometimes). You find them here:

There’s a little drawback though. They’re quite pricey. The specialized crypto prediction reports, called bare naked Wealth, are $99 each – and there is a new one each month. If you have a sizable portfolio it’s a no-brainer, as your potential profits (or the avoiding of losses due to better investment decisions) will pay easily for the expense. If not, well, that’s why I give you a little insight on one of the reports.

I recently purchased the bare naked Wealth report #4, my 3rd bare naked Wealth report until now. This one is special. As it has not so much prediction analysis from his data it only costs $24. What it contains though, is a lot of insight of how Clif High sees a number of coins and tokens. One of which is STEEM. And what he has to say about STEEM is not as enthusiastic as I was hoping.

The full report contains the following:

Reseach and analysis ONLY! Not a complete forecast report.
Reviewed coins list:
Antshares, Ardor, Augur, Bytecoin, Civic, Cloak, Dash, Digibyte, Dogecoin, EtherumClassic, Factom, FUN, Golem, humaniq, lisk, Litecoin, Monero, NEM, Nxt, Maidsafecoin, Peercoin, Populous, Ripple, Skincoin , Siacoin, Steem, Stellar, Stratis, Tezos, Waves, Zcash
A reseach and analysis run down of the following crypto currencies in more depth,
Augur, Civic, FUN, humaniq, Lisk, NEM, Populous, Statis, Tezos

You can find the full report here:

Let’s talk about STEEM how Clif High sees it.

Due to copyright, I will not quote exactly what he wrote, but merely give you the meaning and my interpretation of it (actually most is my own interpretation and elaboration, as Clif’s writing is rather short and precise).

STEEM and the STEEM platform is undoubtedly popular. I mean, you are here obviously, and thousands join every day. So, yes, should be great indicators for future growth. Or is it?
STEEM is traded on a few exchanges so far. The volume could be higher, but as it is a highly specialized coin that’s ok for now. For someone not active on the STEEM platform and not utilizing the intrinsic value by voting and curating it just doesn’t make too much sense to invest in STEEM in comparison to other coins which are pure buy and hold.

The biggest vulnerability though for STEEM is, that it is quite challenging to actually “mine” the coin. My friend @jerrybanfield would oppose to that statement, but he already IS quite popular even outside of STEEM. It is indeed a piece of cake to leverage on that here, finding the perfect platform for him. He as well, worked hard for that popularity for years. In other words, one usually needs to be quite popular on the STEEM platform in order to attract a sufficient amount of upvotes. That is usually true for people who are here since many months, if not years, who post regularly and therefore receiving thousands in upvotes – if the actual posting is good or not does not matter so much anymore, but that is a different story. Whereas the vast majority of people can be happy with a few votes, if any, especially the newbies. Even if they try to put out some extraordinary content. It’s either not getting noticed or people don’t vote for it as they don’t expect many others to vote for it, making it unlikely to earn high curation rewards. As a result, they mainly vote for what everyone else is voting for. In short: the internal popularity algorithm is STEEMs biggest vulnerability.

Clif concludes his short insight by stating, that the STEEM platform itself seems to be strong enough to be around for a while. The STEEM coin however, hm, well, not really. Quote: “Punt potential.” (which is more or less the lowest rating) shock

Definition of Punt: “acquire with awareness of risk, potential for immediate release pop, likely followed by near term drop and uncertain future prospects.”

C’on guys, now make me proud. How do you see it and what can we do to make STEEM more successful? Not only as a blogging platform, but also the coin itself.
How, for example, could we mitigate the tendency, that many people with great content hardly receive any votes and popular people receive upvotes without even looking at the content? I mean, it’s mostly ok, as popular people worked hard and earn respect, however, too much concentration of votes is, according to Clif’s prediction, a huge threat to the value of STEEM.

If you want to read more about Clif’s predictions please upvote and follow @dinoo. If this get’s some response I’ll know if these kind of postings are interesting to you.

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