Building Steemit Relationships Works

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” ― C.G. Jung

The biggest and most helpful thing you can do here on Steemit is build solid relationships with those that follow you. We spend so much time and put forth so much effort gaining followers but how much time do you put into strengthening those relationships? "Celebrating 1000+ followers" Thats great 1000+ followers is a great achievement. One we all should be proud to hit. Yet maybe its time to stop and think, "Am I really getting the return on these relationships I should be getting?"

Collecting the followers is the first step. The second and most beneficial step is now to cultivate these relationships and turn the followers into friends. Thinking only in terms of followers, understand how that sounds it sounds very mechanical and lacking emotion. "Really is that all we are, followers?" We want to turn our followers into friends. Doing so will make 50 friends much more effective than 250 followers.

The best way to do this is to engage your followers. Take some time to get to know them. Explore their blog feed and comment frequently. Once you get to know them not only will they start to know you but both of you will have a better idea of what interests you may have in common. Knowing this is a powerful thing as now you can create content better suited for your new friends. That alone will translate into better upvote ratios.

This is just the overview, not a in depth detailed how to set of instructions. You are going to have to wait for the next in this series on building relationships for that. I have created a Facebook Group so if you are interested in building a relatiopnship with me I invite you. Once there you'll find others also willing to invest time into building relationships not just followers.


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