Hellow guy!!!

Shag Harbor is a small fishing village founded on the southern coast of Nova Scotia. This village has a population of about 400,450 inhabitants. The main job of these villagers is the catching of lobster, which is carried out between November and May.
This small village became famous for the sighting of the Bucky Objects (BETA) in 1967. On October 4, 1967, a mysterious explosion occurred around Shag Harbor. The cause of the incident is unknown, and is suspected to be a BETA act. This incident is called the Shag Harbor Incident.
The Shag Harbor incident was a mysterious explosion at Shag Harbor, Nova Scotia, in October 1967. The explosion was examined by Canadian government apparatuses, and a search was made to search for the remains of objects related to this explosion. The Canadian government declares that the cause of this explosion is not a plane, and the real cause remains unknown to this day. Several documents of the government apparatus declared the involvement of Bizarre Objects in this incident. Eyewitnesses also reported sightings of alien planes.

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