Really upset with SBD and STEEM price manipulation

What the heck is going on guys!

I was playing the witness game for about 6 months, thinking that it is good practice to keep peg SBD to USD. Now I can only say that we have a serious problem by design!

Let's revisit some concepts:

1. The market is wild

Isn't it? I mean, who can control the crowd? One day we like vanilla ice cream, the other we want chocolate, and the next week we try vanilla+chocolate. One day governments like Bitcoin and make it official, and the next year Google and Facebook partner to get rid of all cryptocurrency related ads. Do you listen guys?

Wild sell! Little chickens... all that sort of things. You got the point (I hope!).

2. Intrinsic value is actual value

What makes cash in your pockets actual money? Intrinsic value! That old fashioned guy staring at you in your dollar bills is not the intrinsic value, but the guy in the store accepting it so that you can buy food for your kids. Now go buy some bread with STEEM or SBD. Now go pay your rent with Bitcoins. Why aren't they accepting your "coins" yet?... We have to be doing something wrong!

Show me the money! (Actual money)

3. Content is king -or- Don't kill the golden eggs duck

In spanish we say the "female chicken", but who cares... you got my point. Those who ignore the .com crash or are born to the Internet later than 2001, are likely to ignore that Internet's golden eggs are:

Source: File:D23 Expo 2011 - Marvel panel - Content is King! by Wikimedia Commons


Why the heck are we letting people fill STEEM blockchain with garbage!! Do you dislike they way I tell it? How about stopping the flagging war! I'm not working hard to build value and let you guys ruin my job.

Knock! knock! We are plenty of people taken care of the duck (or chicken), so go do it people! Or get out and let us do our stuff. Are you listening?

Source: File:Thure de Thulstrup - H. Rider Haggard - Maiwa's Revenge - Fire, you scoundrels
War in 21st century? Isn't that an archaic word...

Conclusion (my liver can't hold this for longer!)

We have this club of witnesses that aim to keep the stability of the market instructing new witnesses to manipulate the market with bias, peg, automated market trading and all sorts of lazy-couch-code-guy.

Don't do it!

If you really want this steemit to thrive and make you rich, let's go back to the basics:

  1. Use STEEM & SBD in real life (buy goods and services with it. Example: privex hosting)
  2. Power UP
  3. Upvote your friends but upvote quality content first (inactivate creation of more valuable content)
  4. Go out and get a job!
  5. If you still have free time go get a girl/boy-friend and be happy!
  6. Feed your audience with relevant content
  7. Don't blame witnesses for making things wrong, rather vote for true witnesses like @castellano and @dropahead

That's all folks!

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