Kill Bill Beatrix Kiddo.. Just another Day at Church? where are we society????

OK Family, so if my really awesome scenes from Kill Bill don't sucker you in,
maybe my really awesome commentary about how it all fits into the horrific perspective of the state of our nation most definitely will... I Hope!

As you may recall Awesome film maker extraordinaire Quentin Tarantino Gave us (well at least me ) One of the most Bad Butt, Rear kicken, wipe ya up in my Billie Jean t-shirt flicks of all times. It had it all, Breath taking Love, Heart breaking loss, gut wrenching suspense, and spine tingling down right bloody vengeance. Daddy use to always say, Hell has no fury like a woman scorned. Tarantino brought that scorched wench to life, and oh yesssss there was blood.

What Really Brought it all into perspective tho was the Chapel Scene, A Beautiful Pregnant Beatrix Kiddo melted our hearts, as only a gorgeous glowing new mommy to be can do!

Just When we feel Safe in the Sanctity of the House of God we are greeted by the four Demon slayers and the master SATAN Bill himself. (PAUSE) Now see this is where I go in a bit cause I loved the scene but I kept screaming why defile the church, even for play, even for acting, somethings are JUST NOT FUNNY! Is nothing sacred anymore I thought to myself. I felt like I was watching something great sink to the depths of so many cowards before it, unnecessarily at that, I mean Tarantino had a great film it would have been a great film without this scene being directly in a church. WHY glorify murdering a pregnant woman in the house of God. Barefoot in a field with a nice layout would have been better than in God's house, so sad.

Even now we got Jesus On the walking Dead being played as a Homosexual, buy why, Why alienate and disrespect 97% of bible believing Christians who firmly feel Jesus is God and homosexuality is sin?? Can we spit in the face of morality and tradition, only later to be SHOCKED when some Mentally disturbed individual hears these artistic expressions as a war cry, so he answers the call to battle and actually does these heinous sacrilegious acts that attack mainly and directly Morality and faith. I mean do we question if mocking morality is being glorified ??

The Answer to me is as simple as the waiting list to get married in the same Church as Beatrix Kiddo.

How many will line up to get married in that little Church in Texas where a Pregnant woman was also shot over someones love conflicts.

Sadly I think some people would, with little to no regard for the precious lives lost inside, we've crossed the thrill lines, and we need to draw back, our rage, our thirst for violence, our indifference, and our guns.

I pray we don't make mental illness art! I pray we find a way back to a moral standing in this country, because frankly, no Morals Mountains and All Villains Valleys, is a total bust thus far!!

Seek & you shall find,

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