What to publish in Steemit?

Hello everyone! There is something that led me to make this post, and that is that, when I invite an acquaintance and encourage him to be part of the Steemit community, the first thing they ask me is: "What should I publish?", even though before I explain what Steemit is really about and all the virtues that he offers us, they insist on asking "what do I have to publish?".


And this is the best of all, you do not have to rule on publishing a specific content, as long as you respect the copyrights and do not plagiarize, you can publish and talk about content that you really love, open the horizon to new knowledge from the contents published here, interact with other people worldwide, and best of all is that you can be rewarded by other people for the content you post.

But that if, if you are only in Steemit publishing content to make the most money, I am afraid to tell you that you may not do very well. I say this because I constantly hear comments from people who are discouraged because their publications were not very successful, or because they see a publication that they consider very "vague", "uninteresting" or "something unintelligent" to be very successful, and What I think really happens is that steemit is a platform that allows you to reward that content that you really liked, you can basically give your own criteria to the publications you read, certainly for you a publication may be quite silly or insignificant ( being exaggerated) but it may be that another person felt fully identified with what he read, he really liked it and rewarded him for it, she found a value that for someone maybe does not have and I think that is the most beautiful thing about this community, and there will be others that coincide with your thinking and will reward you later.


Here is a phrase that I always keep in mind:


So do not worry much about what you have to publish, concentrate on talking about what you really want, be yourself and express yourself honestly

I see it as an opportunity to develop my intellectual capacity, explore another world, another way of thinking, to know other cultures, strengthen my relationships, all this undoubtedly leads to better personal growth and so I want to see it, and later if it goes Well, welcome, I will continue to take advantage of what this community gives me.

Thank you for reading!
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