36 interesting things to read

I leave interesting things to read really interesting


★ Once every 28 years February has 5 Saturdays.

★ Snakes continually stick out their tongue since on the palate they have a highly sensitive organ called "Jacobson's Organ", which processes the information of the odor molecules that they have collected with their tongue. This helps him orient himself to possible sources of food or alert situations of danger.

★ Did you know that the otter eats the equivalent of 25% of its weight; It is as if a man of 80 Kg. ate 100 hamburgers a day.

★ You knew that the otter places the food on his abdomen and uses it as a table and eats lying down.

★ Since prehistory, the cockroach quietly resists sudden changes in climate, lack of food and even the atomic bomb.

★ A polygon of 56,645 sides is called pentakismyriohexakisquilioletracosiohexa ....

★ The word "cemetery" comes from the Greek 'koimetirion' which means bedroom.

★ Napoleón Bonaparte was 24 years old when he was promoted to Brigadier General and 27 when he assumed command as Army General.

★ It took 22 centuries to calculate the distance between Earth and the Sun (149,400,000 km). We would have known much earlier if anyone had thought of multiplying by 1,000,000,000 the height of the Pyramid of Cheops, built 30 centuries before Christ.

★ The city with the most Rolls Royce per capita is Hong Kong.

★ It is proven that the elephant is more aware of his body than man, it is very difficult to accidentally hit something.

★ The largest animal on the planet is the Blue Whale, exceeds 100 tons in weight and can measure up to 35 meters long

★ The smallest mammal in the world is the Pygmy Shrew, measuring 4 cm. and weighs less than 5 grams.

★ Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and William Shakespeare are considered the greatest exponents of Spanish and English literature respectively. Both died on April 23, 1616 ... coincidence?

★ The deafness of Alexander Graham Bell's wife caused him to invent the telephone.

★ Henry IV of France smelled so bad, of pure filth, that his wife was about to faint over the 'scent' on the wedding night.

★ Mosses are simple plants, they lack roots, stems and leaves.

★ Amadeus Mozart at the age of fourteen transcribed Allegri's "Miserere", complete and without errors, after hearing it only once.

★ One night in 1923 in a large area of ​​Japan thousands of dogs howled for hours, for no apparent reason. On the following day, September 1, 142,807 Japanese died in one of the most terrible earthquakes in history.

★ The African elephant can weigh up to 7 tons and a half (7,500 Kg.), Its total blood content is 375 liters, which circulate through its ears every 20 minutes in order to avoid overheating.

★ In 1964 a "Time" journalist asked Ringo Star (drummer of the Beatles), who thought of Beethoven. He replied: "I really like your poems ...".

★ A photon (light) takes to leave the sun's core to the surface of the same 500 years. And to get to the earth 8 minutes.

★ Light is slow to arrive from the Moon to Earth 1 second.

★ The country in Latin America with the most divorces is Venezuela.

★ The male Mantis, can not copulate while his head is attached to his body, the female Mantis begins sexual intercourse by cutting off the head of his partner.

★ The longest word in Castilian is "unconstitutionally", followed by the name of the neck muscle "sternocleidomastoid, we rectify, there is still another longer, it is sent to us by Aurora Rodríguez de Sevilla" and sternocleidociticomastoid ".

★ The highest point in Pennsylvania is lower than the lowest point in Colorado.

★ Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously.

★ Humans are the only primates that do not have pigmentation on the palms of their hands.

★ Our Sun is fulfilling half of its life: 5,000 million years, within the same period of time it will become a white dwarf star.

★ In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the nuclear weapons in the world combined.

★ American Airlines saved $ 40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in 1st. class.

★ The Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters.

★ It is possible to make a cow climb stairs but not to lower them.

★ Coca Cola was originally green.

★ During the war of secession, when the troops returned to their barracks without having any casualties, they put on a large blackboard '0 Killed' (zero dead). Hence the expression 'O.K.' to say that everything is fine.

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