I'm the new girl, one more time

Hello everybody, I’m new in this community Steemit. This is my first Post (or my second one, because the first was in spanish) and to start I must introduce myself, obviously: My name is Daniela (It sounds like Daniels but DanielA... I know this explanation was useless), I’m a young woman born in Venezuela, specifically at Maracay, called the “Garden City”. Although, due to the famous economic/social/culture/political situation of my country, since 2 years and 3 months ago I had to run (basically) from there to whatever country a little bit “better” than mine. In my case, I moved to the number one enemy country of Venezuela’s Regime, United States… “The Empire”, like the regime of my country call them, buuuut How they enjoy coming here and live their luxury lifes. I reside at Indianapolis.

Yes, I’m an inmigrant and I’m usually so far from my family (although, my family are visiting me right now). In this city there’s not a lot panish speakers, I just have like only 2 friends and I don’t have any relative in this country. When you take the choice to let your country, It seems so easy and this feeling is bigger when your country, basically, it’s kicking your ass. Just imagine a nation where you cannot have your phone in your hands in the street because… somebody is gonna rob you. And if you tried to be funny with the thief, they just can shoot your head and this is it, your life finish for a stupid reason.

Do u see? It doesn’t look sane have to live in a place like that, and I don’t talking about the another millions bad things just can happen in Venezuela. Anyway, I don’t want to still talking in this post about my natal country, but It is inevitable, we are products of our experiences, and nobody cannot erase the big detail that I had been live in Venezuela for only 21 years.

I think that I will write in this space is about my life as inmigrant and about my adaptation to a diferent language and veeeery different culture. Anyway, I just want to write about whatever I want.

This is me… or this was me 'cause now I’m blonde but I don’t have high quality pictures with my new hair.

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