What Makes Cheater A Cheater

"No one is perfect", the reason why we failed, but it is also the most common reason a person used when finding himself in trouble or had done something wrong.  Every matured individual wants to have a successful relationship but mostly failed, either due to individual differences or when the partner had cheated.  Being imperfect seems like giving them a license to cheat, and to hurt their partner from being dishonest.

Stories of Cheating

A male friend whom I know was married for a year and half, change his status in a social media account from married to single.  We usually trusted women, as i personally do being a woman.  My friend's action shocks me, and i decided to talk to him directly telling that what he did was some kind cheating his wife, thingking he wants to get the attention of women from the same platform.  What really happened to them was extremely opposite of what i thought was the truth. The wife cheated and had lied, keeping the truth before they got married. The wife story was: she had an ex-boyfriend for less than a year, and had no communication at all.  And the truth as she admitted: the ex-boyfriend she was referring is not an ex but still having a relationship even after she got married. And it wasnt just a less than a year but they live together for 13years.  Isn't unfair on the part of her husband who had been faithful?  But don't judge all woman for what she did.

I know exactly how it feels being cheated.  I was from a 13 years relationship.  I thought we were happy.  We planned for our future and I thought we will become a family.  He was actually my family, the love was the only language i know, and his heart is the place where I belong.  But one day the truth was revealed, all our dreams and hopes disappeared, and all felt was pain and anger.  Though there were something real in the 13years, but more of it were lies.   I found backup phones he used for his other girls since our first year.  Pictures were kept secretly.  So on and on and a lot more lies that broke me into thousands of pieces.

What Makes Them A Cheater

What Do They Gain from Cheating

Cheaters think it is an advantage on their part, unknowing that serious problem awaits.   They enjoy the attention they get, and most often part of their personality they portray is someone whom they are not.  A cheating partner is actually showing an obvious signs of what he/she is doing: changing passwords from time to time, texting or making phone calls secretly, fond of making excuses, or pretending working long hours.

Cheating can become like an addiction that is difficult to break.  People who habitually cheat mask their weaknesses and undermine their chances for a successful relationship. They often fail to see that they are fooling themselves and not  only their partners.  They are like a fake brand-name watch that only looks good but won't actually last. 

Bible's principle at Galatians 6:7 is sobering, "Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap."  The consequences of cheating can elude the pain of a troubled conscience and loss of love one's trust.  This pattern of deception can spread to affect the other areas of life and can poison the most valued relationships and slowly lossing the lasting happiness.

Source: www.jw.org

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