One year on Steemit

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I must admit, I have not been an "active" member for the entire year. At first I would just check in once and and while, spend a few hours browsing and then move on. I have never been much of an active poster on any of my social media accounts. I never "liked" many posts either as it build a data base for them to filter advertisements my way.
As time has gone on those "click bait" advertisements and posts on the other networks has really turned me off. There is little new content or original posts by anyone. That is what really pulled me back into Steemit. The community does a great job of policing itself and outing those fake posts. I read more original content on here at every sitting than I do on any other social media site in a month. I think now that I have grown some roots here on Steemit, I may be here to stay.

As a celebration of my one year anniversary I have decided to repost my very first blog post ever. Since it only received one single upvote (my own), I don't feel to bad about re posting it.

As they say... to the moon!


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