Country with fucked up laws, highest number of governments and corrupted cops

Hello everyone I live in Belgium.

Beglium on world map

Belgium is one of the smallest countries in Europe.
It's considered as the 'capital' of Europe with Brussels being the 'capital city'.
Reason why? I wouldn' know but it's right in the middle so that's probably why...

Shamefully my country is full off simple minded people who go with the flow and follow the system without even realising how bad our country is ruled.

Our country is the biggest source of western IS fighters that bomb themsleves right here and in other western civilized countries. Why? Because our government doesn't give a fuck. Yes they will act like they will do everything in their power to stop terrorism. But if they know where terrorists are hiding and they don't have a house warrant they would leave them doing their business. 😂
Are laws are (like many countries) litterally fucking shit, but unlike other countries we keep obeying the law even if it kills tens of innocents. We knew where the terrorists of the attack on Zaventem were hiding, we had an accomplice in custody before it even happened, but it is by law forbidden to force a prisoner to speak and give information so he ofcourse decided to laugh at us and let his friends continue the bombing on our airfield. And we fucking stood by our ridiculous law. He even had a lawyer because every person is allowed to have one. Okay same rules apply to the USA but we all know they would never wait out a terrorist attack if they could avoid it by breaking a few laws...
I know I will look like a complete idiot to many of you by writing in this extravagant style but it just has to be said and people need to open their eyes for a moment.
We know for a while now that all IS terrorists in our country come from the same fucking neighborhood.. It's called "Molenbeek". But without a warrant it's impossible to investigate that region 👌
We would litterally give a prison with television, computer and comfortable bed to a mass murderer who blew up the entire country, mark my words. And be aware don't touch the guy because he has rights and you aren't allowed by our law! It will probably get you in prison with the same fucking sentence!

Oh yeah did I mention that killing a guy on a party means you will have to work 1 day for the government as punishment, while peeing in the bushes or driving around with 'student sign' could give you worse consequences.
maybe 1 in 10 policemen has the energy to actually do his/her job, the nine others will just say he/she can't do nothing and if he/she tried to do something that would be too much work?!

All of this happens while we need to pay (by far) the highest tax rate int the entire world, because we (one of the smallest countries on earth) live with 5 governments (wich is also the highest amount and completely insane).
So we pay this fucking morrons with their fucked up laws, who do nothing to protect OR to help their citizens the biggest check of every country on earth.

Yeah Belgians are great! Luckely people like it here! No I'm not even kidding, people here really think that they have a good life! They think we are a beautiful country with very nice rules and a very supporting government LOL I can't face this anymore. Good for them, but I'm out of here...

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