Dear Diary: Life Is Too Very Short So We Just Have To Do Good


I am now both in fear and panic mode and sadness in between. When I was young I never get to think about deeper things in life, it is all just fun, hopes, and dreams but as I grow older I realize some things in life that just makes me sad. That started when some people in my life started to die one by one, people I knew that some aren't even my relatives or friends and yet they will never come back around, ever.

It made me realize that our life indeed is like a steam that we would see like a cloud now and one moment later we are no longer around. I thought that while we are just alive and living we just have to do good for others and ourselves because we just have a little time to live and most of our adult lives we can no longer do what we do in our former younger years.

We also spend more than a third of our lives doing nothing like when we are sleeping although the dreams within our sleep is a part of our experience to life which gives us more taste of life while we sleep.

It is just madness to accumulate wealth here too and then leaving much of it behind. I have a neighbor who lived and never had enjoyed her retirement benefits because they are just "expenses" to use her money to get a vacation and such according to her so she just died leaving all her wealth, the things she tirelessly worked for all her life went to strangers after her death, it is not a good story if we think about it.

It is just sensible to make each other's lives easier by doing good to each other otherwise we are not using our short lives as efficient as we have to because we would hinder everyone's goal of happiness in this lifetime. Thank God that there is life after death and in that reality even though we do not get much quality and justice in this life at least in heaven we will be comforted forever.

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