Why you should keep posting even if you get low rewards

We recently had HF19 and it apparently made some massive changes to our voting power and posts payouts.

Many of you may have noticed a drop in your potential payouts on your posts, which has led to a lot of complaining and pointing fingers at the whales for taking all the profits.

I heard people saying all kinds of things these last couple of days. Some wanting to take a break from Steemit and others contemplating a complete stop to do other things.

I kept telling them to relax since HF19 has only been in effect for less than TWO WEEKS, and that’s hardly a measurement for how things will be in the future.

Well now, it seems that things might not be so bad after all.

@penguinpablo just made a great post on why your potential payouts are going down. Check it out it’s good reading.

@gamerveda also came up with some possible answers that can help clarify this mess.

I know a lot of people have questions about these drops in potential payouts, so thanks for clarifying guys. We all appreciate the work you put into these posts.

And with that out of the way I would like to address some of the critique people have towards Steemit and HF 19

My main concern is that some people start panicking as soon as they see the potential payout of your posts go down. I get it, it’s unpleasant and you are disappointed. So was I, and I respect how you feel about it, but remember we are still only in Beta and the developers need to test out what’s the most efficient and fair way to run Steemit.

No system is perfect, but we are a part of something that could potentially be the next big thing in social media. No one promised you big earnings or that it wouldn’t be a bumpy ride. So please, I ask you all to have faith and be patient. I’m sure things will work out in the end and we will have the greatest social media platform in the world.

Keep posting even if post payouts decline

I have only been here for a very short time, so maybe I shouldn’t be lecturing about this stuff. I’m aware of that and I try to be humble about it, so if I come across otherwise please accept my apologies and let’s move forward.

I see people here making anything from 5 cents a day to thousands of dollars a day, and I have heard stories of how earnings fluctuate wildly over time.

It’s crazy, and it may seem unfair, but remember your earnings are relative to:
• Market prices of Steem and SBD
• Your skills as a poster
• Your number followers and their vote power
• Your own vote power
• And perhaps a hundred other factors I can’t figure out

It’s difficult to say that any one thing is responsible for your decline in post payouts. It’s probably not just HF19, It can be a number of different things.

Those who are truly successful here have put in the work necessary work in order to be in that position. They don’t own their success to some hardfork, they carved out their own success. You can do the same. So keep working, even if your post payouts should only be about 5 US Dollars a day.

That’s 1.825 US Dollars in a year. It sure beats sitting in front of the TV doing nothing for an entire year, if you ask me.

I haven’t even taken into account the potential rise in the price of Steem. Let’s just say it doubles in the coming twelve months, that would earn you 3.650 US Dollars in a year.

And then there’s the interest you get if you convert your profits to Steem Power.
I won’t tell how much it is because I think you should calculate it for youself. Simply enter your Steem Power and number of days and se what kind of magic happens :)

Owning Steem is the same as owning a stock in a company. And you should see yourself as an investor who has been given the opportunity to shape how you would like Steemit to become. I call it an active ownership investment where we are all partners.

So don’t stop posting, and don’t post for just the rewards. Posting on Steemit should be a fun experiment where we all interact with each other and create something beautiful along the way which should benefit us all in the long run. We need to have new posts coming out regularly, and we need interactions to further the development of Steemit and our investment in it.

Do you want to chat with other Steemians and have your posts promoted on several media platforms? Then click the links and drop by Steemit Blogger Central

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