1114.jpgMany of you may know me for quite some time now and I'm sure many are aware of the fact that each week I'm try to promote 2-3 posts published by authors which I found supportive and active here on Steemit.



The idea behind my personal initiative is quite simple: most users who create quality content but struggle with building engagement will sooner or later give up. And receiving financial rewards (in the form of upvotes) will hardly change anything.

I strongly believe that by supporting their content and sharing it with my own audience it will not only help them build exposure and their own follower base, but also will give them an impression that someone out there cares about their efforts.

So each weekend I'm sending out memos with one or two links to posts, which I consider worth promoting. I stop whenever someone ask to stop.



With the support coming from all of you, we've already managed to build a very strong community of people sharing similar values and interests. It's not a secret that I'm focusing my efforts on promoting content related to blockchain technology, AI, economy and psychology.

My work brought also some first disappointments. I have received a few messages/comments coming from those of you who consider our relationship a "one-way street". I was told that each week I am asking them to support some of my friends but in return I'm giving very little.

I could predict that some people will feel that way. After all, regardless of how much time I invest in engaging and supporting other users work (comments, upvotes) - I will surely miss many. And many will feel that I'm only asking about their support but I don't ever bother to read their publications.



Please allow me to express my apology to anyone who I ever made feel that way. If you, my dear readers, ever felt that way then please let me reassure you that it has never been my intention and allow me to suggest some solution.

Whenever anyone here would publish a post related to any of my mentioned interests, then please send me memo with a short introduction (2-3 sentences) and link. Please avoid sending links alone - it does look like a spam and it's easy to ignore.

I will gladly read your publications and show my support. Either by up-voting it, sharing on my telegram channel, commenting or sometimes promoting with larger audience.

Naturally I can't show my support to posts that I never get a chance to read. Memos are in my opinion the most efficient way of sending "notification" to your audience. Just remember to "know your limits". One memo a week should be just fine :)

Important note:

Since I'm working the way most people do (kind of monday to friday) I can only help to boost post with larger audience (by sending memos) on weekends.

So please keep it in mind if you would like me to help you get some exposure.

Try to post your publication as close to weekend as possible (otherwise your post may be already old by the time I promote it).



I realized that not all users of Steemit platform do accept using MEMOs as a way of keeping in touch (sending notifications etc) with others. Some people are okey with it, others are very hostile.

Since it is not rocket science to know that we cannot please everyone out there. So I'm mostly concerned about the opinion of those who I'm in close contact with.

So allow me to ask you, what is your personal opinion about using MEMOs as a tool allowing us to contact others / promote our content. Please share with me your view on that particular issue.


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