The "DO's" & "DONT's" of Steemit.... πŸ€”

After my first month here on Steemit I have learned many things, observed many things and discovered many things...
I have created good posts, I have created bad posts, and I have created posts I wish I could remove...
But after all of the good and bad I have been through here on Steemit I have got some advice I would like to share with you...

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We will start with the "DON'Ts.!"

1. Don't lose sleep over your posts!


I have spent hours on some posts to end up wth little or no appreciation. Don't over think your posts.! If you post about things you are passionate about and enjoy then you will find that creating posts will become easier and less stressful. In other words be yourself when posting and you will find it comes more naturally and it will be fun. πŸ€—

2. Don't let Social Media control your life.!


Put the phone down people! You should allocate some time in your day to do something other than surfing the internet and posting on social media. Go for a walk, ride a bike or spend time with your loved ones! You will feel better for it and your mind will be clearer when you get back to your post 😜

3. Don't steal other people's material.!


Create your own content for posts! Always be original with your posts, you can gather information but be sure that you write things in your own words. If you use other people's images be sure to reference your source. It might seem trivial but it could be seen as plagiarism and you don't want to be sued. πŸ€”

4. Don't burn bridge's.!


Be mindful of your reputation here on Steemit. People will always remember the bad thing's more than the good things you do. Always try to be nice to people and never leave a comment that is hateful or mean. Treat people the way that would like to be treated.

5. Don't just focus on πŸ’²moneyπŸ’².!


Alot of people join Steemit thinking they will get rich overnight and become obsessed with the idea of making money from every post. If you are only in it for the money you will be disappointed if your post makes nothing. If you do not enjoy posting just for the fun of it then you should probably not post.! It just becomes stressful 😫

6. Don't Give up so easily.!


It can take time to be noticed people.! Don't get upset if you don't get Upvoted or Re-steemed straight away. There are thousands of posts going up daily and sometimes yours might be overlooked in the ocean of posts. But if you continue to produce quality posts that are original and interesting, then eventually you will be noticed. And your followers will grow steadily.

There's probably a 1000 more DONT's but these are the main ones to remember. πŸ˜‰

And now on to the "DO's.!"

There are probably also a 1000 "DO's" but I am just going to list my top 4.

1. Do what you are good at.!, in other words try to post about things that you are passionate about or are interested in. If you believe in what you are posting about then it will not be tedious or become a burden. Instead it will be enjoyable and fun.!
If you don't like your own posts then why would others to like them?

If you are an artist post your artwork...


If your a writer post your story's...


If your a photographer post your photos...


I think you get my drift...😁

2. Do take the time to appreciate other people's posts.!


Spend a part of your day reading other people's posts, especially your followers, and give them an Upvote or Re-steem if you think they deserve one.! Or even just for trying. Remember that they have probably spent alot of time on their posts as well, so reward them for their effort. Most people will appreciate it and probably return the favor, It only takes a second to click that Upvote button, plus if there post does well you receive curators rewards.! WIN WIN 😎

3. Do try and grab people's attention.!

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Pictures in posts can grab immediate attention of readers.! Alot of people will skip over posts if there are no images. Use interesting or eye catching images for your posts. And always give credit to the source if you use other people's images to avoid any issues. πŸ‘Œ

**And last but not least, "DO" try have fun here on Steemit.! It is a wonderful platform that allows you to express yourself, learn from other's, make some new friends, and maybe even make a few dollars along the way... if your not enjoying it then whats the point?
And P.S. give it all you got.! πŸ˜‰


Well that's about all for now folks, until next time Steem on.!! 😎



This has been an @crypto-expo Production 😎

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(Images sourced from Google images, gif's were sourced from free to use website's)

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