I Just Got My First Friend to Sign Up on Steemit

I’ve been talking to some of my friends lately about Steemit and I’ve been trying to get them to join. You may have seen in my very first post I took a picture with some of my friends from my old school holding a Steemit sign. That was one way I was trying to spread the word.

I’m about to finish my first semester at my new school, and I’ve been loving it so far. This weekend I’ve been talking about Steemit to one of my friends.


A few texts later:


So I did.


And he decided he wanted to join the STEEM train.


We Skyped after and I walked him through signing up. He just wants to know why he still hasn't gotten an email yet :)


I think that in order to keep STEEM growing and going up in value we need to focus on getting more and more young people into this new way of blogging. They’re the future of Steemit, and Steemit is the future. That’s why I know I need to tell more of my friends and classmates about it.

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Honestly, what kid my age really wants to blog when they could be on Youtube or be playing Xbox? That’s why Steemit is great. There’s a reward involved, but you need to work for it. Which means there’s a goal and there’s always something to work towards.

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If I can explain to others the whole idea of a passive income, then I think that Steemit would seem pretty attractive. The idea that if STEEM went up in the next few years and if you had enough in your account you could become a millionaire, invest the money, and never work again, seems like the best thing in the world, especially for the typical male high school student who wants to do nothing but game the rest of his life.

Now I know not everyone is going to make heaps of money at this, and I still need to figure out why young people would want to use this instead of Snapchat or other forms of social media. I think it’s important to communicate to them that they’re giving their information away for free on other social media platforms, instead of on Steemit where they could potentially be getting paid for it.

If you know the answer to that question, why young people would want to use Steemit instead of Snapchat or other forms of social media, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Also, I just wanted to say thank you to all my followers and everyone who upvoted, for all the recent support on my last post. I’m currently up to over 100 followers and counting! I actually didn’t end up eating any breakfast yesterday because I was working on the post and then no lunch because I was busy replying to all the comments, which I’m still actually doing. I love it! Here’s to the future of STEEM!


Thanks for reading and if you enjoyed this post please follow me.

Edit: You can follow my mate that I just got to sign up here. His account is @loyalty1738

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