How We Will Make Steemit The Dominant Social Media Platform in Aussie High Schools


Last week, the Australian warhorse and #teamaustralia Secretary @sirknight commissioned me to the role of ‘Executive Manager of Youth Development.’ In other words, he wants me to help get the younger audience onto Steemit and make it sound more appealing, if you know what I mean. How could I say no to that?

Why I accepted the role:

I was really honoured to be asked to do this, and here’s a few reasons why I accepted the role:

  1. It’s a great opportunity to help get other young people into cryptocurrency in general, and STEEM specifically.

  2. It gives young people the chance to be entrepreneurial and think beyond just having a job, since all the jobs will be taken by robots anyway :)

  3. I believe Steemit has a future, and I want to contribute in a small way to possibly increasing the value of STEEM.


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Obviously I need a strategy. I’m open to any input you can offer, but here’s what I’m thinking so far:

Phase 1.

The first step for me (and all young Aussies on Steemit) is to keep sharing how great this platform is with friends.

I also want to try to connect with more high school students who are already on Steemit, so we can learn from one another how to better spread the word to our friends.

I’ve already got one of my mates on Steemit, @loyalty1738. You can read his intro post here.

I also have another friend that seems pretty interested. When we were talking pretty casually about all the money we’ve been making, he said he wanted to get in on the action. Hopefully you guys will see an intro post from him soon :)

Phase 2.

After sharing Steemit with my friends, my plan is to share it with the most likely people to be into Steemit beyond my group of friends, which is my entrepreneurship class. The class could potentially be into it because they all want to make money out of something they’re passionate about, obviously through some sort of business since they’re in an entrepreneurship class. This is exactly what Steemit could do for them, since you can blog about anything you want and assuming you can get a big enough following, then make money from it.

Another group who might like Steemit are musicians. It’s a great place to share their work, especially if they want to get noticed, or just want others to hear their music.

I’ve also thought that artists would like it, for exactly the same reasons as musicians. It’s a great place to share their work.

Phase 3.

Next I need to work out how to spread the word to the larger student body. Since my school is already really out of the box and forward thinking, it’s (hopefully) exactly the type of thing the students at my school would love.

I’ve been planning to tell my principal about it soon, and I could also talk to some of the teachers like I did my media and entrepreneurship teachers.

We also have these ‘clubs’ every wednesday. They can range from playing board games, to soccer, and even going to a trampoline park. So one idea could be to start some sort of Steemit club.

Phase 4.

If this all ends up being successful, at this point I could then get everyone I got onto Steemit to try and share it as much as possible with all their friends, especially at other schools. This could lead to networking with other teenagers and high school students throughout Australia.

Now I know this all sounds a little ambitious and is going to require me getting out of my comfort zone a little bit. Hopefully other students will really like the idea of Steemit and give it a shot. If not, it’s their loss.

Also, I realise that Steemit isn’t for everyone so I don’t expect everyone at my school to want to try it, especially when they could be using other types of social media.

Steemit Values


Finally, I think it’s important to make sure that young people understand the values of Steemit and what’s important. Here are a few things I would want young people to understand:

You have to think long term.

If I can explain to them my vision and what the future could potentially hold if Steemit grows, then that could lead to them being a bit more eager to get others signed up.

You have to be consistent.

This is a hard one, especially for high school students. In the time that I’ve been back on Steemit, I’ve found it hard to keep posts consistent and quality. I don’t want Steemit to be a one time thing for them, or even a once a week thing. I want to stress the importance of consistency if they want to build a good following. Which brings me to my next point:

You need to build a following.

Like I said before, I really want to communicate the importance of producing quality posts. The thing with Steemit is that you’re not going to make any money producing crap. It’s also how you get followers. The more you make good content, the more people are going to want to follow you.

Well, that's what I've been thinking so far. I’ll keep you updated in the future with my progress.

What do you think? What else can we do to make Steemit dominate Aussie high schools?

Thanks for reading and if you enjoyed this post please follow me.

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