Sitting on my porch contemplating what life is truly about... Is It STEEMIT?

Here I sit on a patio in the evening with a cool breeze blowing by. As I listen to the little fountain next to me trickling down into a pool of water I think about how beautiful the World really is.

Have you ever wondered why we are here on this beautiful Earth? I've pondered this question many times in my life. Is it by chance that we happen to be alive? How did all of this happen? Where did the Earth come from? How were people formed? Is it true that the human race evolved from monkeys? Here is the question to ask... Where did the monkey's come from then?

Over the years I have been an avid Bible reader. I've read the Scriptures over and over and come to the realization that there is a God. He does exist. God created the World, along with all the animals, vegetation, and even humans. Its very clear that humans were specially created by God for a purpose in life. What is this purpose? Could it be to "spread His love"? I believe so.

Our World truly is a wonderful place full of beauty and majesty. Look at the: Rivers, lakes, oceans, mountains, swamps, deserts, trees, flowers, clouds, rain, snow, birds, animals, insects, life. Beauty in elegance is what the Earth is. How could something so beautiful just "happen by chance"? It can't. Look at the human structure. There are literally thousands of miles of blood vessels in every human being alive. What a magical creation the human is. Look at the organs of the human body, all placed in precise locations to perform daily tasks with ease. The human brain is the organ that amazes the best of the best. How does it function? The question that should be asked about the human brain is... Who formed this Mega Super human computer to think for itself? Only the Hand of the Creator could have done such a marvelous thing.

I had a friend once tell me that he wondered how someone couldn't believe in "God"? He said, "how can someone not believe in God. Just look how a child is formed in its mothers womb". That is a miracle. Every child is a miracle. Life is truly precious.
Another quote that I love to read is by Billy Graham. He says "Give me someone that says he doesn't believe in God. Put him on a boat in the middle of the ocean and put a hole in the boat. Just see if he doesn't pray to God."

We all have an inward Spirit that seeks and yearns for God, our Maker. When we come to the point of true crisis in life our Spirit can only cry out to God for help. Because He is our maker. Just like a child that gets hurt, or lost and is so afraid. That child screams for his mother or father. We are the same. We are God's children. I would like to encourage each of you to truly ask yourself this one question... "Why am I here, and what purpose do I have in life". If you simply ask this question, then God will lead you to the answer. You see, God does not thrust his will upon you or upon anyone. He simply waits. He waits for you to come knocking. When you do knock, He will answer.


Have a great day and thanks for reading.
(Thoughts from Tim Crowe)

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