People Get What They Deserve

It looks like some people on here on steemit are getting what they deserve. First I noticed that @mikethemug joined Steemit has been getting down voted since day 1 lol. He joined thinking he would make money by promoting Burst. I am so glad to see that someone stood in his way. MikeTheMug.PNG

Now I noticed that @craig-grant is receiving the same treatment. He just put up a post titled, "i'm out" and declared that he will not be blogging on Steemit anymore. With his history of scamming, sleazy behavior, and racism I am glad to see him go. Craig-grant.PNG

I know there are some people out there that don't agree with me, but in my opinion, these two people are stains on the communities they join. Look into who these people really are and determine for yourself. @trevonjb could be next in line.

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