One Year Anniversary on Steemit

Yippee Skippee!!

October 28th, 2016 — brought to Steemit by @johnjgeddes and @rgeddes

I wasn't going to write a post about it because I am not a writer per se. And, I didn't know what to say. I'm not big at tooting my own horn or being in the spotlight so to speak — although that can be very difficult in a one dimensional in a post.

Steemit has had severe birth pains over the time I have been part of this community. People have joined, quit, come back (me) and the site has experienced serious but silly attacks from disgruntled members and other miscellaneous sources. The interface has changed for the better — although the noisy construction has bothered us all.

Since stats are important I'll share mine. In the last two months —

rep climbed from 62 to 64.5

followers now exceed 1,000

posts 3,740

(Post numbers include comments. I visit many other blogs with an encouraging word or five.)

I have a small group of Steemit friends from all over the world who open my eyes to a very large world and different cultures. They help me see life with a clearer view.

Over the next year, I plan on continuing to tell stories through my photography, quotes and life experiences.

Thank you to everyone who stops by to
say Hello
offer advice or encouragement
and share similar life stories.

photo by @countrygirl

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