Creating Niche vs. Diverse Topics for Your Steemit Page - Which One Is Better?

Hi Friends!

I have been a little unconventional in my approach to content creation here on Steemit and I often have people ask me why I haven’t focused on a particular niche. Anyone who has followed me for a while can see that I post on a big variety of topics from music covers, to lifestyle topics, to personal finance, to (sometimes) cryptocurrency, and have even recently launched a segment with @maryjaney called the Steem Sister Show!

Why did I decide to go this route instead of picking a particular topic and running with it? Well, first of all – I want to say that there is no “right or wrong” approach here. Both ways are totally valid and have their own pro’s and con’s. I am just sharing my experience and what I have found works for me. I have actually experimented with both styles and share my thoughts both in the Dtube vlog and in the text below!

Is Steemit different than other Content Creation Platforms?

The traditional school of thought is that you need to post within a niche, because people are following you because they are interested in that topic. If you veer off from your main topic – you’ll start losing followers. I think this is a really valid point – except I want to offer a counter perspective. Here on Steemit, we are not only a content creating engine, we are a community. People seem to follow you, for YOU.

Think about all the people you have decided to follow. Is it all just because you like the topics they post about? It is probably a mix of following people because of their content, and following people because you have connected with them and you want to stay in touch with what they are up to.

For this reason, I think niche’d out topics are super important for other platforms, but there seems to be a bit more wiggle room here in this community.

Pros of Posting on a Niche Topic

If you are posting on a niche topic – there is a good likelihood that you will attract more followers that like that type of content. This could potentially lead to a more engaged followership because they are likely to enjoy every post you put out – not just every few posts. For example, those who follow me because they like my music covers have to wait to see one of those every second or third post because I am also vlogging on the same channel.

You can also get more efficient with your content creation when you focus on a particular niche. Let’s say you are making cooking videos. If that is all you do, you can get really comfortable with where to setup your equipment, what works best, how to take good photos of the dish, how to format that type of post etc. When you are jumping around to different topics – it takes a bit more brain power to envision and setup each post.

Pros of Posting on Diverse Topics

One of the biggest things people say is that they struggle with ideas for content. If you are posting on a variety of topics - you likely won’t run into this problem! This method also allows you to tap into more of your passions and areas of knowledge.

Probably the biggest benefit I have seen from this approach is that it was a MAJOR factor in the growth I have seen in the last few months. I went from posting in a niche topic (music) to doing that plus vlogging on a variety of topics at the beginning of the year. By vlogging on different topics – it has exposed me to different people and communities here on the platform. I’ve met tons of people that I would have never met if I was still just posting music.

A good way to find middle ground is to segment your material into different series. This way, you can section out your content while still keeping it under the same channel. If you find that your audience doesn’t seem to like the variety of topics – you could consider opening separate channels for the various topics you are interested in posting about.

Follow the Energy

What is right for one person may not be right for another! If you are still not sure which direction you want to take – then ask yourself where you feel energy and excitement about posting. If there is a certain topic that you are really knowledgeable on or passionate about – ask yourself if you could talk about it everyday for a year. Are you overflowing with content ideas? Then maybe going with that niche topic would be a good option for you!

If you are like me though, and have a TON of hobbies, interests and passions – then maybe trying out a broader range of content may be a good starting point. Who knows, maybe you’ll find that you really LOVE posting on one of those topics and will end up niche’ing down a bit.

You aren’t stuck!

News flash guys… I have switched up the type of content I have done multiple times and the world didn’t end! If you start down one path and start to feel uninspired after a while – don’t just keep muscling through, stop to re-evaluate.

What are your thoughts? Let’s grow this conversation!

I really do think that either approach can work well here on the platform. I have shared my thoughts here, but I’d really love it if you shared your opinions on the subject as well. This is a topic that a lot of people grapple with, and I think it would be cool if they could get multiple opinions in the comments in addition to reading/watching my post.

Thanks so much for watching/listening and contributing to the conversation!

Xo, Lea


Equipment Used in this Vlog

In order to add an extra layer of transparancy and value to my vlog's, I will be adding a list of equipment used at the bottom of each one! If you ever have questions about the gear I use, or how I use it - please don't hesitate to ask.

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