Proof that Steemit can change lives

Steemit is amazing in many ways, but the one thing that makes it truly stand out is the power it enables people to make a difference in other's lives. The technology that the platform is built on gives absolute power to the community that supports it. In no way is this more evident then some of the examples I am about to share.

I have seen several examples over the past few weeks where groups of people regardless of where they are, who they are, and their social stature have been able to band together to make some amazing things happen.

The first and most evident is the recent help of a fellow Steemit member @darthnava - An amazing and heartwarming accomplishment that Im sure will go down in Steemit history as one of the most generous and selfless acts of the community. Hopefully it is not the first and we will continue to see more examples like this. I too am currently living in the Philippines, and for those that do not know, healthcare is very expensive and often good quality healthcare is out of reach for many people. I moved to the Philippines 11 years ago and I see it day in and day out - people who cannot afford basic medicine or medical care. The cost of living is high yet the amount people earn is often times not enough to support even the simple necessities. There is a great divide between the wealthy and the poor and a lot of people struggle to earn a decent amount to survive.

The case where @farmandadventure posted about her husband who was struggling with Ankylosing Spondylitis and was limited in what she could do because she had to care for her husband, her farm, and her children. She is truly an amazing woman and I am equally impressed how she manages the responsibilities she has. It is amazing to see how people banded together to help with some of the expenses.

Another example that was touching to read about and support are the posts from @ausbitbank and his partner @krystle who ran into a number of unfortunate incidents and at the same time are supporting their two disabled children. I am amazed and humbled how the community came together to help them not only pay some of their growing expenses, but were also able to help them give their daughter an amazing birthday.

Those are just 3 of the many examples that I see daily that demonstrate the power of Steemit and what it can do. I have met many people here whose lives have been changed. Many of which who earn a living and sustain themselves and their families who normally could not make ends meet elsewhere.

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I see how aside from change, it allows people the opportunity to meet each other, learn about new cultures, and share experiences one would not normally get the chance to experience. I myself have even used funds from my Steemit account in order to pay for an unexpected expense, but for the most part I try to power up and keep as much as I can in order for me to be able to help others who are truly in need as much as I can.

In today's society, power and the ability to affect real change is only given to a select number of people. Granted that number is a large number and many people do use their power to do good, however in most cases it is just to benefit themselves. Typically the "the little guy" does not have much say and the influence and help of that person hardly makes a dent. That's not to say that it doesn't happen. Often time it is the haves vs the have-nots who can really make a difference.

Thanks to Steemit, the rules have changed. Whether you are a have or a have-not, even the newest and smallest community member can have an impact on what they can do to help. We are always amazed and talk about how influential a whale is, but what is amazing is that everyone has the opportunity to be a whale if they really dedicate themselves.

I know I'm probably just rambling to some, but I do hope you enjoyed the post. Thanks for reading!

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