Habits mentally strong people have?

Just like physical strong people follow certain habits in there life, mentally strong people also have habits in there life, Lets check what are they:
1.They are feel sorry for them
Being mentally strong is about loving yourself and be comfortable in their way, they dont live with guilt in their life.

2.They dont give their power away.
We cant be strong by giving our powers away, Strong people control their emotions and be calm in every situation.

3.They focus on themselves not on what they cant control
Strong people improve themselves,in every aspect of their life, they dont focus on the parts they cant control.

4.They adopt changes
People with strong mentality dont feel shy to adopt changes, so they try to adopt positive changes.

5.They are not people pleaser
Strong people are not people pleaser,they dont decisions of their life according to other opinion, they create their own defination of sucess and be happy to gain their own goals.

6.They take calculated risks
Strong people are ready to take risks, but the calculated one, they do everything with proper understandings and calculated facts.

7.They dont give up easily
Strong people dont give up easily, they have patience and persistence in them,they know that there is no overnight sucess.

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