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@ned You Have One Last Chance Buddy

Whale after whale are powering down. We have @ned and other top whales who are/ have been powering down through themselves or through proxies. That is the nice thing about the blockchain; if you have some experience through a family friend with the US Treasury Department undercover auditors like I do, it's easy to see what is going on. You just have to work and know what to look for.

Some whales are even working on a fork of Steemit called Calibre.

So what the heck is happening?

A shift.

The shift from Steemit becoming the platform of the future to a website of the past.

And we can all sense and feel it.

Community leaders are going on break.

Awesome Steemians like @alexpmorris have been exposing the exploitation top people are doing on Bitshares.

Look at and just click on the whales and see their financial moves.

And powering down isn't a bad financially micro strategy for most Steemians because their relative impact of the network is low.

But when you have the big boys like @ned and the other top whales powering down it hurts.

It hurts the financial stability of the currency of STEEM which most of all Steemians use on a weekly, if not daily basis.

So why would @ned and other whales power down knowing it will drive the price of STEEM to $0.000?


Steemit was supposed to be "the one," the new Facebook of the next several generations. But the people at the top fucked that up real bad.

And it's no surprise. It happens all the time. People who have "ideas" and think that because they verbalized the word "Steemit" they deserve the majority of earnings off this platform. fuck the users, this is my pet project. I want to control it and profit from it.

But guess what?

@ned and the top whales don't have want we have.

A team of all-in humans both on and off-line , willing to through their life down for the mission.

You know what @ned and the top whales have?

Themselves and their families.

Well sorry to break it to you @ned and other top people on Steemit, your time is about to come to an abrupt halt.

We know everything about you. Where you live, what you do, who your talk to, who you hurt, and who you fuck.

So this post is intended as a last warning to all the whales.

Stop fucking up.


Or don't and see what we can do.

And you don't even know who "we" is.

And that's the best part.

The thing about traveling the world and connecting like-minded souls is that you develop a special bond, a special vision. Everyone apart of it is all-in and the best part the people on Steemit aren't even part of that team. They are the newbies still proving themselves.

We have spent our blood, time, and have lost so many souls in this fight. and we won't stop until the mission is complete.

Steemit proved the business model and we were willing to let it be the one.

But it looks like, our gut instincts were correct again and Steemit will be done within a year.

But don't worry Steemians. All the time, effort, and resources you spend will all be worth it.

The only main change you might see with the new platform of the future you use is that it will be built for the community by the community.

It will be 3D with holographs.

It will include Amazon Alexa type functionality.

And it will be built for good.

So again @ned and the top people fucking up please downvote this post to 0 so we can get our final confirmation code to act.

We like giving people the benefit of the doubt so maybe you have to power down to pay for medical bills, or a divorce, or a past settlement of fraud to investors. We get it shit happens. But when your shit makes the world stink, the Universe reacts buddy.

It's all in your hands.

And don't forget @ned:

Teamwork makes the dream work.


Thank you as always for your time and attention. It truly means the world to us.

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