Is STEEMIT Being Censored on FACEBOOK?

Steemit community, I think Facebook knows about Steemit and is trying to stop any of us Steemians from organically getting individuals onto the Steemit platform.

I have been posting Steemit links on Facebook and have been seeing the same thing (see below). No nice thumbnail picture, no text description, just:


In his most recent personal vlog even @dollarvigilante touches on the fact that Facebook is doing something weird whenever he posts Steemit links. Consistently asking him if the Steemit link is spam and even after he says its not several times Facebook still doesn't let him post it. Just press play below to see the clip I am talking about (video starts when he addresses his problems with Facebook)

I know some Steemians are having success on Facebook with Facebook marketing but these individuals are paying money for this right. I have a feeling Facebook is allowing the marketing dollars to come in, but is trying to censor users trying to organically market to people on their site.

What do you think? Has anyone else has had similar experiences?

Thanks as always for your time and attention.



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