Curation Adventures #1

As a person who loves an adventure as well as discovering great content, I took a dive into the new section! Lets just say its a jungle out there! It went a bit like this.

click, "nothing", refresh, "nothing", refresh "more spam", click...

and then I found this from @jericent


Wow, I thought that was rather philanthropic of him! I clicked his username to see if he had done other cool things. Then I came across this.

Which I quote,

CHARITY! This last part seems odd, it's like loosing all what you've made but that's not true. Look at the rich, they are investing their money in philanthropy. They want to give because they understand that there is a law of increase and that law is hidden in the principle of giving. GIVERS NEVER LACK. today, every wealthy person wants to have a foundation or a charity.

Wait, philanthropy is an investment? Thats news to me!
PS: @jericent I upvoted you

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